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Lukas' arms laid across his slowly heaving in and out chest. His heavy caribbean colored eyes barely open. His ebony leather jacket draped over him like a blanket.

Rain harshly drizzled, tapping against the giant pristine windows of the order hall.

Jesse stirred, her arm over the edge of her azure bed. A soft comfy blanket was draped over her and warmth flooded her cold body.

The gauze on her arm was bloodstained, but she was lucky that it stopped the bleeding. The deep cuts in her arm would take some time to heal, but it would leave deep scars behind.

Lukas sighed, deep azure eyes sparkling with intense worry, his foot anxouisly tapping against the floor.

His mind swirled with thousands of concerned thoughts and he found it extremely difficult to fall asleep. How could he sleep? He felt like he would be wrong for that.

His cool fingers nervously raked through his disheveled blonde hair. Everything felt like it was too much.

She has cancer. She just cut herself. She's unhappy. Everything came so suddenly and it hit him faster than a punch to the stomach.

Lukas breathed heavily. The others weren't returning his calls and it was really starting to bug him.

They shouldn't be that busy...right? Lukas felt heavyhearted himself, when he saw Jesse with that large shard of glass, he felt his heart ache.

He almost cried. Almost. The only reason he didn't was because he was trying to stay strong, for Jesse's sake.

He couldn't let her see him downcast, but things were starting to get way out of hand.

Lukas wearily rubbed his forehead, his sullen gaze locked on the floor.

His bright sapphire eyes threatened to close, his mind swirling. Lukas wondered what would've happened if he would've arrived sooner. Would he have been able to stop her? Or we should have never got drunk in the first place?

Lukas' mind revolved around that, unaswered questions stuck to his mind like glue.

The clouds outside were gloomy and gray and Lukas' crimson heart pounded against his tense chest.

Tears pricked the corners of his azure eyes and he didn't bother wiping them away. His gaze fell, why was Jesse the one suffering?

Everything was slowly tearing her apart piece by piece and Lukas feared the worst. He could simply only hope that Jesse would make it and stay in the race, but then again Lukas could see that she was tired.

Tired of everything. Tired of fighting. Tired of living and tired of feeling forgotten.

It was a miracle how long she had put up with this, but one question remained. How long could she keep fighting?

Lukas furrowed his golden brow. How long did she have cancer for and what stage was it?

Lukas exhaled slowly, concerned for his best friend. He felt his hands quiver and he was unsure as to why. Maybe it was out of fear.

He was scared, but that wasn't all he felt. He felt slightly aggravated. Why was it always the nice one's that suffer the most?

If anything Jesse definitely didn't deserve this. It was like whatever she did the world was always against her, throwing the impossible right at her.

Lukas felt his heart twist and churn, his miserable grief-stricken heart aching as it slowly pounded against his chest. A dark shadow covered most of his face, his sorrowful diamond colored eyes staring at Jesse.

She looked so very peaceful and she had nothing to worry about when she was asleep.

Lukas slumped back in his comfy chair, his heart now beating rapidly. He took a couple of long deep breaths. He felt like he was about to cry.

His chest had tightened and what he was feeling inside was just unexplainable.

Everything was bottled inside of him and everything inside him was bubbling abd ready to pour out.

His glimmering sapphire eyes shined and he was unaware of his watery eyes.

Lukas sat back up. Did she not realize how precouis she really was?

Was her intoxication revealing her true self? Surely not...right? He didn't think she would actually cut herself when sober right? Then again he didn't know what she was thinking when sober.

It's not like he could read minds or anything.

Lukas grit his teeth, gazing uneaaily at the peacefully slumbering brunnete.

Jesse slowly rolled to the other side, now facing the wall, her sheets falling off her shoulder. A cold stray tear escaped Lukas' azure eyes and he sniffed. His aching heart, now swiftly pounding against his chest and he slowly brought his trembling hands to his quivering lip.

Another tear escaped his sparkling eyes and he blinked rapidly, his chest quickly heaving in and out.

Something inside him flipped and his heart pounded against his chest even faster.

His breaths became rapid and he harshly bit his bottom lip. In the corner of his heart he felt this pain that he couldn't quite describe.

He wiped his dewy face with his warm arm and sniffed, his leather jacket falling off his shoulders. He took a deep breath and an idea grew in his head. He knew Jesse. He knew her strengths and weaknesses, but would it be wrong if he used her weakness against her?

No right? He was only gonna do it to prevent her from harming herself, but he really hoped that she would take him serouisly.

He almost doubted that she would. Almost though. Something inside him told him that he had a chance. That he had hope.

Who knows maybe it'd take her by suprise.

Lukas stood up and slowly walked over to Jesse and gently squeezed her cold hand. He was very catouis and his bottom lip trembled.

He clenched his teeth, slowly processing everything that had happened recently.

Everything came so fast. So suddenly, but he didn't exactly understand why.

Lukas sincerly wished that this was all just a terrible nightmare, but he would only be fooling himself if he continued to think that way.

He sighed heavily, his sparkling eyes trailing over to the window, the light blue curtains swaying softly, as the rain harshly tapped against it.

He then anxouisly glanced back at Jesse, his sparkling azure eyes holding deep concern.

He had no choice and he knew he was probably going to regret doing it, but he had to do this....for her.

Yay, I'm back once more .-.

What do you think Lukas is gonna ask Jesse?

Any thoughts/theories?

In this chapter you got more of Lukas' 'perspective' so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and well as always I'll see you in the next chapter!

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