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Jesse's glistening dull eyes opened leisurely.

She blinked laboriously, her head pulsing sharply. She groaned softly and squinted, her eyes narrowing.

The room was lit radiantly which really hurt her surprisingly sensitive dark brown eyes.

Jesse slothfully sat up, bringing her hand up to her heavy eyelids. It took several moments before her vision finally adjusted to the bright tiny room.

Jesse's eyes scanned the room and her eyebrow almost instantly rose when she didn't see Lukas.

She hastily started to panic. Her weary eyes frantically searching the small room.

She took a deep breath and blinked groggily, her mind still half asleep.

Jesse tried her best not to panic, but her desperate attempts were definitely failing her.

The sun had barely just began rising over the horizon and she was already panicking. What a great way to start a new day.

Jesse took a long deep breath. What if he left for good this time? She thought. What if something happened to him?

Or what if he was fed up with dealing with me? Jesse thought to herself.

Jesse felt her hands quiver and the heart monitor beep faster as her heart pumped swiftly.

Now she just wished she were dead. She felt better off that way anyway.

She didn't get why she was still alive in the first place. With all the reckless adventures she went on she was rather surprised none of those killed her.

If anything she wished they did.

Jesse's dull eyes quickly flickered to the clear window. The beaming sun was high in the sky and the fluffy white clouds slowly rolled across the teal colored sky.

Jesse sighed quickly, even though the day had just started she already felt horrible and sick to her stomach.

Jesse wished she was in the order hall, so she could get her wine bottle and get drunk. Unfortunately for Jesse, she wasn't.

Instead she was here, cooped up in a small hospital bed, waiting to get discharged.

Each passing second made Jesse feel gradually worse. Her stomach was knotted, her cocoa colored, long, smooth, silky hair was staring to fall out, and she felt like she was back to square one.

Alone, again. That familiar dreadful feeling creeping up her arm again and the voice already was whispering faintly in the back of her mind.

A large lump was stuck in Jesse's red throat and she gulped repeatedly.

Jesse exhaled very slowly, and anxiously scratched underneath her soft, but slightly red earlobe.

Jesse was very drowsy and the medication she took earlier didn't help since it was strong. It was way stronger than the doses she took back at the order hall, that's for sure.

Extremely sullen, Jesse thought as usual. Her pale face was visibly starting to thin and her body was weakening slowly.

All of this was unusual to the hero. Being stuck in the hospital definitely wasn't her forte.

She'd honestly rather be in the order hall and confront all the memories than be stuck here.

Jesse uselessly poked at her arm for a moment and then her eyes quickly darted to an orange pill bottle on the end table beside her.


That's when she spotted a neatly folded piece of lined paper. Completely ignoring it, she hastily grabbed the orange pill bottle and opened it.

You really thought he would stay...pitiful...

She swiftly twisted the white cap, brought the bottle close to her lips, and began putting a lot of white pills in her mouth.

Nobody cares anyway...

She grabbed a water bottle, that was on the end table beside her and hastily chugged it down without a second thought.

Suddenly she stopped, cold water dripping down her glossy velvety bottom lip.

She didn't hesitate to grab a different pill bottle, open it, and put a handful of light gray pills in her mouth.

She brought the water bottle close to her lips, exhaled through her nose heavily, and chugged the rest of the fresh water bottle down.

After a few minutes, Jesse felt extremely drowsy, her mind was foggy, and her breathing was starting to slow.

The heart monitor was beeping rapidly and Jesse's eyes felt heavy.

Frantic doctor's and nurses quickly flooded Jesse's room. The constant beeping of the heart monitor quickened drastically.

Jesse's body was burning up and her small pupils quickly dilated. Without any warning, Jesse fell into an unconscious state.

The doctor's rushed around Jesse and one even performed CPR on her to keep her breathing.

"Get me an oxygen mask," A short slim doctor demanded. A ebony curly haired nurse nodded swiftly and rushed out of the now cramped room.

A redheaded doctor put the back of her palm on Jesse's forehead.

"She overdosed and she's burning up on top of that too."

Jesse's breathing was almost near a complete stop when the curly haired nurse came rushing back.

She hastily put the mask on Jesse and that was when her breathing leisurely began to steady again.

Her chest heaved in and out unevenly for a few minutes before eventually returning to normal.

"We need some naloxone asap," One of the taller doctor's said, motioning for the curly haired nurse to get it.

Quickly, she dashed back out the room to go get the opioid overdose reversal.

Jesse's heart monitor was beeping at a normal rate now and one of the taller doctor's put an IV on Jesse's supple, but warm index finger before quietly leaving the bright room.

The clear oxygen mask was fogging up as Jesse's warm breath hit against it.

It was definitely a good sign for the doctors whenever they would walk in, which believe it or not was constant at first.

They had put the naloxone in her system which undid any damage the overdose had caused, much to Jesse's would-be dismay.

It also had swiftly reversed the brain damage. The brain damage was pretty serous at first, but as soon as the naloxone kicked in, it was no longer a grave condition for her.

Fortunately, the doctor's that had helped her knew what they were doing.

Jesse was lucky the doctor's came in when they did because if they would've arrived a second later she probably wouldn't have made it.


Lukas will be in for a treat when he gets back now.

What do you think will happen next?

Do you think Jesse went too far?

How do you think Lukas will react when he finds out what happened?

Anyways! I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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