Anything for a Friend

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As the wooden door opened Jesse felt her body stiffen and her relaxed muscles tighten.

Jesse's curious rich earthy brown eyes quickly widened as she saw who walked in.

"Lukas!" Jesse exclaimed, unable to hide her eagerness.

"Hey Jesse," Lukas greeted her sullenly.

Lukas gave a swift nod of acknowledgment to Stella and Radar who watched him silently. As Lukas neared her, Jesse instantly wrapped her long arms around him.

He chuckled faintly and said lightly, "...Hey I know I wasn't gone that long."

"I still missed you though," Jesse whispered softly as Lukas steadily wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you too," Lukas whispered tenderly in her ear.

Radar hastily glanced at Stella who was smirking mischievously. "Oh no....," Radar muttered uneasily, watching Stella's smirk warily, "That can't be good."

Lukas' grip around Jesse tightened for a second before he loosened his grip. Lukas downheartedly gazed at Jesse's beautiful rich glistening eyes and said genuinely, "I'm sorry Jesse."

"Huh...for what?"

"I really messed up this time," He said, avoiding her soft gaze, a small burn mark on his smooth cheek.

Jesse's arched eyebrow rose slowly.

"What do you mean?" She asked faintly.

Lukas suddenly smiled softly as he heard light footsteps from behind him.

Jesse's thick eyebrow rose even higher, but when she saw who was walking towards her, she was in a state of shock. Jesse couldn't believe it. After all this time.

Lukas chuckled exultantly as he saw Jesse's mouth drop for a moment. She couldn't believe her own eyes, her best friend back after all this time.

"O....O-Olivia," Jesse stammered faintly.

Olivia grinned radiantly, her dark purple hair was straight, but curled at the bottom.

"Hey Jesse," Olivia said soothingly as she approached her.
Jesse gave Lukas a playful glare before swiftly hugging Olivia.

Jesse felt herself bursting with joy. A bright ecstatic smile spread across her golden cheeks. Her heart was suddenly uplifted with joy and it felt a little overwhelming to Jesse.

All her fears, worries, and sorrows were gone in an instant.

Radar and Stella were beaming cheerfully, both of their hearts now warm and light.

Jesse couldn't stop grinning broadly and Lukas couldn't help, but chuckle playfully.

His efforts were definitely worth it especially to see the radiant smile that was engraved on her pale rosy face.

He hadn't seen her that happy in such a long time and if he was honest it felt amazing to reunite them again.

"You don't know how much I missed you," Olivia said softly, "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner."

"Well...your here now," Jesse whispered gently, "And that's all that matters."

Jesse reluctantly separated from Olivia and then gratefully glanced at Lukas.

"Thank you Lukas," She said cheerfully, her tone full of joy.

Lukas grinned joyously and said delicately, "..Your welcome Jesse."

"But did you really have to play me like that?" Jesse expectantly asks him, both her eyebrows raised, a goofy lopsided grin tugging on her lips.

"Yeah," Lukas laughs wholeheartedly, "..I did."

For the next couple of hours or so, Jesse and Olivia were talking up a storm and even cracking jokes, but Lukas had stopped listening to their conversation ages ago.

He was definitely happy for her, but he did regret leaving her especially considering what she did.

The news certainly shocked him that's for sure. Maybe he should've did a better job of communicating and waited for her to wake up, so he could've told her properly.

"-Right Lukas?"

Swiftly snapping out his sorrowful thoughts, he quickly turned to the soft expectant voice and nodded stiffly.

"Uh...yeah sure," Lukas hastily said.

Olivia turned towards Jesse with a playful chuckle and Lukas wearily leaned his arm against the arm rest, his mind drifting off to a different world.

His fingers were anxiously tapping against the padded light blue armrest, his thick golden eyebrows knitted.

Stella had already left with Lluna, but she did state that she would be back sometime tomorrow.

Radar was still here, snug comfortably in a chair. He had been pretty quiet.

Lukas found it a bit odd that he was quiet, but he didn't question the young lad at all.

"So Jesse how are you?" Olivia asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Oh uh...I'm fine," Jesse said hesitantly while biting her smooth bottom lip.

"But your not," Lukas thought to himself, his knitted left eyebrow raising.

"Lukas," Radar whispered softly while readjusting his medium-sized glasses.

Lukas turned his head towards Radar. "What's up Radar?" He whispered gently.

"Do you know what happened to Jesse the other day?" Radar asked, nervously fumbling with his glasses.

Lukas sighed sullenly, blinked heavily and muttered uneasily, "Yes, I do," His voice lowered drastically, "She almost died from an overdose."

"Oh," Radar mumbled vaguely, before turning his somewhat weary gaze to Olivia and Jesse.

Jesse's wide beaming smile caught Lukas' striking glacier eyes.

He couldn't help, but chuckle at her sudden happiness. It made him really happy just to see her so joyful and relaxed again even if it was just for a moment.

Lukas exhaled slowly, and quickly leaned back in his light brown chair.

Lukas' tiny smile faltered as he suddenly realized something.

Olivia then motioned swiftly for Radar, a soft radiant smile on her cherry colored lips.

Hesitantly, Radar briskly stood up and hastily walked over to Olivia.

Lukas' Caribbean colored eyes wearily surveyed Jesse before his deep, absent, gaze turned to the large clean window.

He drowsily stared out the window, gazing blankly at the pitch black sky.

He expressively glanced at Jesse for a moment before he continued to vacantly stare out the window. He hummed quietly to himself.

"Lukas," Jesse spoke up. Lukas grinned ecstatically and said wearily, "Yup."

"Thank you, for... everything."

Lukas' radiant smile grew larger, "Like I said before anything for a friend."


Yay! Olivia's back!

Who were you expecting?

What do you think will happen next?

What do you think Lukas realized?

Alright! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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