I'll Make You A Deal

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Jesse blinked heavily, her hand resting on top of her empty stomach.

She was blankly looking up at the ceiling and her azure covers were at the edge of her bed.

The voice in her mind kept her awake and she found it impossible to fall asleep.

"You okay Jesse?" Lukas asked, for the one millionth time.

"I'm...fine," She replied dryly, her sullen gaze still locked on the ceiling.

"If you say so," Lukas mumbled, fidgeting nervously.

He doesn't really care about you...

The words bounced around Jesse's pulsing head and she only continued to lifelessly stare at the ceiling.

Jesse sighed slowly and a dull pain settled in her head. The familiar empty feeling arose again and Jesse was in a heavy state of doubt.

Her weary mind was starting to second guess and she started recalling the past.

She knew it was dangerous territory, but their wasn't exactly a sign preventing her from entering.

Lukas fiddled with his fingers, his foot anxiously tapping against the dense floor.

Jesse remembered the times when she was happy. The good ol' days as she would often call it.

Why couldn't she be happy now? She had heard the saying make yourself happy, but that felt...impossible. She knew she had overcome the impossible before, but...this just felt way out of reach.

She wondered if she'd ever be happy again. She highly doubted it. After all she hadn't smiled in ages.

Well...at least
what seemed like ages.

"Lukas." Jesse whispered, her gaze still to the ceiling. Lukas turned and faced her. "Yes," He muttered quietly, his oceanic eyes gleaming with distress.

"...Do you ever think I'll be happy again?" She asked him quietly, her eyes now fixed on him.

He quickly glanced away from her, his hands in his lap. He thought for a moment, "I don't see why not," Lukas' azure eyes met Jesse's. "And if anyone deserves to be happy it's you." Lukas answered sincerely.

Jesse's eyebrow rose slightly, "Y'know Petra would tell you to cut it out with all this sappy stuff." She muttered, gazing at her feet for just a moment.

"I bet she would," He said plainly, stifling a small chuckle.

Silence hung in the air once more and a cool gust of wind blew, ruffling the light blue curtains.

Freezing air blew over Jesse and it felt good as it cooled down her feverish body.

Parrots chirped in the crisp night and Jesse felt short of breath again.

Taking in all the air she could, she took deep breaths. Or at least tried to.

"Hey, are you okay Jesse?" Lukas asked noticing her trembling fingers.

Jesse took a long deep breath of oxygen, air steadily flowing through her dry lungs again.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Jesse mumbled, beginning to sit up.

After a few moments of silence Jesse spoke up. "...Can we go for a walk?"

"...Are you sure? Y'know with you being sick and all."

"I'll be alright," Jesse said. "Oh... and I was wondering when exactly did I get this gauze put on my arm?" She asked, her voice raspy and strained.

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