Chapter 5: All Good Things come to an End

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It's been approximately 2 hours and 36 minutes since Taeyong decided to lock himself inside his room. He had ignored calls from Ten, Johnny and even Jaehyun. he just needed to be alone. for some reason what he saw bothered him much more than he had realised. Initially he had been just embarrassed to have witnessed someone so close to him in such a compromising position, but he quickly realised there was a pang of something else when he had reached his flat and was greeted with silence instead of the loud welcome. He paused for a moment, trying to concentrate on himself. He was breathless, and his chest like it was constricting, His face was sweaty and he felt like he had someone put a huge weight on his shoulder. It was a bit of an over reaction for having run from the stadium to his apartment, and a very small voice, at the way back of his head mocked his 'age' which he decided to just ignore.  

He couldn't understand why. Taeyong dragged his feet to his room, locking it right after closing it. He really wanted to be alone and sort his own feelings out. He fell onto his bed, heaving. And before he knew it tears started forming in his eyes. For some reason, it felt like his heart was in pain, as if it was breaking.

Taeyong recognised this feeling from when he first got his heart broken. Unlike what Johnny and Ten think, he had fallen in love before. Hopelessly so, in fact there are times when he wondered if he was even over that boy. Of course the object of his affection was not aware of his feelings, in fact Taeyong would love to keep it that way. Even confessing just to get closure was somewhat out of the question.

Because his first love just happened to be the American exchange he had met back in high school. The boy who stuck beside him wherever he went. The boy who fell in love with his best friend. The sports major, Seo Johnny.

He actually had been more social back in school, he didn't have many friends, but he knew people and people knew him. The whole school population had pretty much pegged him as asexual though. Simply because he had never shown any interest in that way towards another person. He had of course had gotten confessions, more than Ten, and even dated a girl in middle school, which was when he realised that he was gay. It had been a roller coaster ride for him, and he came out to his best friend and parents in tears. His personality from the beginning was kind of introverted, and the knowledge that he was gay only pushed him in further.

That's when he met Johnny and he was swept off his feet. The boy was his exact opposite, loud, bashful, confident, sporty, social and popular. His smile held the world in it's command. Johnny's positivity was such a welcome addition in Taeyong's life, that it literally took him exactly an hour of touring the excited boy around school to fall in deep. 

He should've have sensed the sparks between Ten and Johnny when he introduced the two. But with him being the dense idiot he was, he didn't. He spent his days talking to Johnny in school and texting him once he was back home. And Johnny was very attentive, he would walk him to class, and if they had one together he would sit with him and he would pick Taeyong in his team first every time they P.E. Johnny told him all about his life in America and with his word Taeyong was just mesmerized, because damn Johnny was everything he had ever wanted.

And with every second they spent with each other, he just fell deeper in love. It had gotten to the point where he could only think of that boy, even during his exams. He had actually written all the 'Johns' in his exams as 'Johnnys' and his Chemistry teacher had to remind him in class that it was John Dalton's Atomic Theory, not Johnny Dalton. But back then, Taeyong always felt that the Johnny was just so much better than John. It had more feeling too it. Of course that was his love struck heart speaking. Luckily enough, it was one the the classes he didn't share with either of his friends as thus saved him some lifelong teasing. But of course the very next day his Johnny Locke clean slate theory was revealed and this time he wasn't so lucky.

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