Chapter 9

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"Ten and I broke up."

Taeyong didn't really get much time to process what Johnny had just said, before he found himself being pulled into his own room by Jaehyun.

"Why'd you do that?? I wanted to ask him know what had happened...why would they break up Jae?" irritation seeping out through his voice at the blonde's behaviour.

You know exactly why they broke up his sub-conscious quipped up, and it wasn't really helping Taeyong right now It's not Jaehyun who you should be annoyed at, but at yourself. They couldn't have broken up because of his confession right? You're a failure as a friend. They were way stronger than that. It's ridiculous to think that Johnny would break up with Ten only just because he found out Taeyong liked him all those years ago. 

Like, Taeyong doesn't even feel the same way anymore.

He isn't exactly sure since when, but his heart doesn't race the same way when he sees Johnny as it used to before, he is happy to see him, and even just a day without talking to him doesn't feel right, but then it is the same he feels about Ten.

He sees Johnny only as a friend now, his best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

He tried to pull his hand away from the vice like grip Jaehyun had on his wrist. The boy still wasn't looking at his face, instead opting to look at the floor. It irritated him even more when instead of loosening his grip, Jaehyun only tightened it. 

"Don't go to him..." he whispered. It had a tinge of desperation in it, enough of it to make the unusually obtuse Taeyong notice and stop struggling.

"Can you look at me Jaehyunnie?" He whispered. At the back of his mind, he was left wondering why they were whispering in situations where there was really no one else who could overhear them. It made it seem so much more, secretive; so much more private and somewhere in his mind, alarms were ringing. A silent warning was the tip of his sub-conscious, threatening to spill, but not quite there yet.

It was as if he knew exactly what was going on, but didn't at the same time. It frustrated him. Too much was happening, too much and it was becoming blatantly obvious that Taeyong needed to start paying attention to people around him more. 

Jaehyun lifted his head, looking at Taeyong through his lashes. He really looked like a kicked puppy, and for a split second Taeyong felt like reaching out and pulling those chubby cheeks and kissing Jaehyun's frown away.

What was wrong with him? He rarely ever felt so affectionate towards another person, but with Jaehyun, he wanted to pour all his attention and everything on to the boy. Jaehyun deserved only the best.

"What's wrong?"

" can't go back to Johnny...he's single still like him right?"

"I...I don't like him that way anymore Jaehyun. If that's what you mean." If there wasn't an ocean of doubt in Jaehyun's eyes, Taeyong would've laughed that question off, because wasn't it obvious that he didn't like Johnny that way anymore? "I won't deny, I did like him quite a lot at one point, so much that I'd even go as far as to call him my first love, but Jaehyun that was so long ago. I...I really, am completely over him, really. I promise. There is no like like feelings involved here any more."

Taeyong didn't really understand why Jaehyun, the same guy who figured out that he had a crush on Johnny, the ever observant psychologist, couldn't even tell that Taeyong didn't feel the same way about his friend anymore. He doesn't like Johnny the same way that he likes--

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