Chapter 12: Sides to a Story

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Special Chapter:
There are Two Sides to A Story 

(So this is Jaehyun's side)

First day of college.

A whole new life.

And a whole new list of conquests for Jay.

He was super excited. School hadn't been the best experiences in his life. The typical teenage angst love story spoilt the experience for him last minute. Honestly Jaehyun wasn't even a part of the whole fiasco but got dragged in because he had, for a fact, slept with both the parties involved.

Lets just say he was very experienced. In bed.

So that part of the new life in college he had down. His only problem was his low alcohol tolerance, but then that is easily hidden with one line I'd rather be sober and remember our night together or something like that, it always took people's mind off of the fact that he was actually drinking apple juice. But no harm done.

Before you jump to conclusions, no Jaehyun wasn't scared of falling in love, nor did he no believe in love or any of that cliche shit that people usually say. Jaehyun wasn't even looking for THE ONE as some would like to phrase it. He was just having fun and keeping his options open.

Plus he was kind.

He was gifted, in both the looks and "that" department, and he just thought that it wasn't too fair to keep it to himself. That's all.

So, even though his goody two shoes cousin, Taeil begged him to 'keep it in his pants' for at least one semester, he had already narrowed down the list of people he could potentially hook up with. 

"At least leave your roommate alone." Taeil grumbled, noticing the say Jaehyun was scanning the people around, like animals hunting for potential mates.

"We'll see." Jaehyun had initially thought hooking up with his roommate would he the hottest shit ever, and sincerely hoped his roommate was hot.

And he was not disappointed.

Lee Taeyong was hot. 

And Lee Taeyong also vomited on him. First day, first meeting.

Jaehyun would've blasted the boy to the moon and back for ruining his brand new shoes, but then he noticed the pale skin turning red, and the way those big ebony eyes shone with guilt as they looked at him. Everything around Taeyong was shining and Jaehyun was blinded.

He even forgot about the vomit on his shoes as he was in a daze the whole time after the encounter. He didn't notice until he saw his shoes, washed and left out to dry, that for the first time in a long while his heart was beating like crazy and the only face in his mind was Lee Taeyong.

Things didn't get any easier after that, much to Jaehyun's distaste. He sincerely wanted to get to know his roommate better, but it seemed his roommate was rather keen on avoiding him. He had always had people throw themselves at him, he need only spare them a smile and they'd be putty at his feet. But no amount of his charms were working on this wide eyes boy. In fact, his actions only made things worse.

Also, Taeyong had a very sensitive nose.

He had gotten closer to his roommate's friends, through basketball, and he had infact learned a lot about him through them. Even about his odd addiction to certain smells. Only Jaehyun found it endearingly adorable, rather than annoying as they described it. Taeyong had a habit of unconsciously sniffing the air every time he entered a room. The action would make his nose scrunch up in everything adorable. And if Taeyong found that the room didn't smell good enough for his liking, he would do this weird wave thing with his finger and shake his body slightly.

The Wrong Roommate •JAEYONG•Where stories live. Discover now