Chapter 7: The Going get Tough

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Taeyong woke up with his face buried into a firm and comforting chest, and lean but strong arms wrapped around him. It made him feel grounded. His own arms were wrapped tightly around the person. Whom his now conscious mind identified as Jaehyun. He wanted to pull away, and
potentially push Jaehyun away even further, but considering how much he has messed up his whole life yesterday, he believed he could allow himself this.

Just this once he'll be selfish. For now he'll just take whatever he is offered.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

His heart was beating like crazy.

They were so close, and he was wrapped up in that comforting scent. That was all he really needed. It seemed his hosts had been kind enough to drape the two with a blanket. That only intensified the smell, and made the whole experience more cozy and Taeyong was getting really comfortable.

To be honest, yesterday when Jaehyun and his glorious smell entered the flat, Taeyong was already feeling a hundred times better. Plus Jaehyun seemed like he was naturally good at taking care of people, stupid Johnny and Ten, misleading him into think Jaehyun was a cold person.

As soon as the thought of his two friends crossed his mind, his mood went plummeting down again. He was embarrassed, not only had he revealed his secret crush in front of Johnny, he had also potentially hurt his bestest friend and their relationship, and to add to that, he had become a burden to Hansol, and Taeil. He was a burden to Jaehyun since day one as it is, and the list only seemed to be getting longer the longer he stayed here. He really wanted to just disappear, suddenly regretting moving away from home. Maybe he should just pack up and go back home.

But then he dares to tip his head back a bit, getting a good look at the sleeping boy's face. He didn't thank Jaehyun, nor did he ever say sorry properly. Yet Jaehyun was here, taking care of him when he was upset. Heck, even through his tears Taeyong could tell that Jaehyun had been running around. He had been panting and his shirt was sweaty, when he hugged him.

Jaehyun's out looking for you.

He remembers Taeil mentioning. But, to his surprise, instead of guilt, a new feeling, something rather foreign to him, makes an appearance. But he likes it. It's making him want to giggle, and hide his face in Jaehyun's soft and firm chest, and Taeyong would've done exactly that if he really didn't want to wake up the boy.

Besides, when else am I going to get to stare at him so openly?

That morning Taeyong takes a decision.  He won't run, at least not from Jaehyun anymore. He'd been thinking about it since he received that folded piece of paper yesterday, which was now safely tucked between the pages of Taeyong's favorite Harry Potter book (it's Prisoner of Azkaban, if anyone wants to know).

Plus, Jaehyun was right. He'd been running too much already.

Even though he had done the stupidest thing he could ever have done yesterday, he also knew that was the consequence of not being open from the very start. Gosh, he really just wanted to hug his mom right now. She always knew what to do. She would always help him, he knew it.   SHe would hand him a hot chocolate, and gently weave her hands through Taeyong's black hair as he told her what he had done, then she would smile and tell him it was going to be alright soon. And it always did.

His mother had always been his pillar.

There hadn't too much his mother had had to give him a sitting down lecture after dinner, about, except for that one time years ago. Taeyong, being Taeyong, that is, clumsy and curious idiot, had gone and broken his mom's foundation while he was playing around with her make bag. (And before you judge, Taeyong was just curious, ok!)

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