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"I've got soul but I'm not a soldier."

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That was the inside of Tyler's mind when he slowly came to, his vision blurring and doubling as he tried to figure out where he was.

"Doctor, he's waking up."

When Tyler turned his head to see who was talking, he was surprised to see a familiar person next to him: Genevieve. Trying to sit up, he was hit by an awful pain in his abdomen, knocking the air out of his lungs.

"Easy, easy," she said. "Not too fast, okay?"

"You're lucky to be alive." Yet another voice. Tyler's head drifted to the right, identifiying the other person as a doctor. "That was quite a fight. But you made it out with a mild concussion and bruised ribs. Painful, but certainly not life-threatening."


Tyler's voice cracked as he tried to speak. "Where... where am I?"

"Base camp," Genevieve answered. "We're five miles from the main house. Some of our behind-the-scenes people are still there, but the medical personnel team is here."

His vision finally re-focusing, Tyler looked up at the tent surrounding them, wondering how long he had been unconscious for. "Where are the other Keepers?"

"Receiving care in other tents," the doctor answered. "They were injured too, but everyone is expected to make a full recovery."

What... had even happened? He remembered seeing everyone in the distance and then running towards...


"He's visiting with Oliver." When Tyler looked at Genevieve, she gave him a small smile. "I figured that was gonna be your next question."

Mind going to Oliver, Tyler wondered what Josh's reaction had been when he found out that he was alive. But the real question was... did Fynn know too?

"Here, drink some water," the doctor said, handing him a small cup. "You were severely dehydrated when you got here, so the more you drink, the better."

Grateful for the water, Tyler wasted no time drinking it. He turned his head just as Genevieve patted him on the shoulder. "I'm going to let Josh know that you're awake."

Once she left the tent, Tyler asked the doctor if he could sit up. A few minutes later, he was propped up against some pillows, the pain uncomfortable but relatively bearable, all things considered. Once the doctor had left as well, Tyler was left to deal with his thoughts and the faint ticking inside of his arm.

Will my Time Keeper ever be the same? Are there enough pieces of my heart left for Josh to glue back together?

His thoughts were interrupted when the tent flaps opened. In peeked a mess of yellow hair with a smile Tyler couldn't forget even if he wanted to.

"My little Bandito!"

Tyler burst into tears as soon as he saw Josh, hiccuping and gasping away from the pure relief and happiness that he felt.

Josh hurried to Tyler's side, quickly (but carefully) taking him into reassuring arms. "Shh, shh, it's okay, Ty-Ty..."

"Joshua," Tyler croaked out, squeezing him with the little strength that he could manage. "Is this real? Are you real?"

"I'm real. I'm here. And I'm never leaving you again." Josh ran his fingers through his Keeper's ragged hair, no longer holding back tears. "I promise."

Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now