Chapter 6 - Calling a Meeting

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A few weeks had passed since Asgore came back from the CORE. He had been unsure whether what he'd seen was merely a figment of his imagination or some sort of threat to the underground. The monsters didn't seem particularly dangerous, even the creepy, looming figure hadn't tried to attack. Nevertheless, Asgore was stuck on what to do about it. Eventually, he reasoned that if it hadn't just been his imagination then there was a chance that others had seen the same figures as he'd seen and any monster who had should come to a meeting.


When the meeting day rolled around, Asgore greeted the painfully small group of monsters. He sat at the head of the table (they had gathered in the Royal Palace's dining hall) and smiled at the gathering. Sans was slouched at the opposite end of the table; Alphys sat on Asgore's left and Toriel was on his right, as well as Frisk and Monster Kid. The monsters were all looking at him expectantly, except Sans, who seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Hello everyone." He greeted warmly, "Today I wanted to ask you all about a certain something that has been going around. From the looks of it, only a select few have seen something along the lines of what I described."

Sans had his skull pillowed on his arms as Alphys leant over to try and wake him before she spoke. The skeleton only let out a small grunt and shifted so one socket was facing her, the white dot that served as his pupil flitting lazily from left to right. Alphys rolled her eyes and groaned as San's pupil followed her example. He obviously wasn't taking this seriously.

"I s-saw a f-figure... t-tall and d-darkly dressed. It l-left me a t-translation sheet." she stammered, ignoring Sans as he tried to distract her with his eye-rolling. As she spoke, Sans' socket went flickered black for a second and he stiffened slightly. Asgore nodded,

"I too saw a figure, matching your description Alphys. Frisk, child, what have you experienced?" Asgore asked, trying to avoid eye-contact with Toriel as she glared at him. Frisk gave him a supportive smile and then began to speak,

"There was a voice... covered with static. It repeated the same lines over and over. I... I felt like they were familiar but I couldn't remember from where." Frisk explained. Alphys noticed Sans' eye socket flickering again, this time a hint of cyan mixing with the white of his pupil. Monster Kid spoke up next, sharing their encounter of a late night adventure,

"It was kinda creepy really. Like there was another version of me but they were all grey!" Monster Kid said. Toriel frowned,

"Did they say anything child?"

"They just said that they were totally scared of a world where they didn't exist!" Monster Kid replied, bobbing their head slightly to give the impression that they would be waving their arms if they had any.

Suddenly, Sans grunted and lifted his head up off the table. Everyone turned to look at him as he scratched his cheekbone thoughtfully,

"guess i need to share my great mystery experience now huh?"


All of them together? Now that was something unexpected. He hadn't thought that Asgore would present an opportunity like this. He was almost unsure of what to do now, although that feeling quickly subsided. He pulled at the fragments of his Soul for what he hoped would be the final time and brought himself into existence.


Sans finished explaining what his nightmares had shown him to the rest of the meeting. Alphys chipped in every now and again to confirm or add to something. The room fell silent as everyone mulled over the information, trying to make links. When Toriel put two and two together, she managed to find something that perhaps had been on other's minds but pushed aside.

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