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The snow hadn't fallen that December. It had snowed last January, but hadn't come again for the next winter. A shame really, but it couldn't be helped. Besides, the monster city looked beautiful even without the pristine white blanket covering it. The carefully maintained roads and buildings looked like something from a cartoon and the people going about their business were the kindest you could ever hope to find.

Without the snow, anyone climbing the mountain couldn't be tracked by their footprints and so were lost to the world for a while.

This time, a skeleton wasn't the one to climb the mountain in search of a thought-provoking area to sit for a while. No, this time a human was climbing the mountain. A human girl by the name of Casua Gaster. Perched atop her shoulder, swaying back and forth with the movement of it's owner's strides, was a little metal scorpion robot. The robot's name was Eev3e, and right now, she was very content just sitting on Casua's shoulders, watching the world go by.

The two had begun to climb Mt Ebbott in search of a quiet place to think. They knew of a ledge that hung over the hole where many a human had fallen, and had decided that if they were to sit anywhere, it was to be there.

Upon reaching the ledge, Casua sat herself down, making sure that she wouldn't fall, as she doubted she'd survive.

Seated as she was, Casua could freely gaze over the large expanse of forest that spread out around the base of the mountain: a mix of green pines and bare oaks that reached up into the sky. It was a serene, peaceful view stretching as far as the eye could see, with not a single fault.

There was nothing wrong, as far as anyone but Casua was concerned. Which meant there was still something wrong, although not in a usual sense.

Checking to make sure that no one was around, Casua leaned back, resting against the hard rocky outcrop behind her. She let out a sigh, resting on hand on her chest and pulling out her Soul. With it in the open, the 'problem' was more obvious.

The once pure black Soul had a single white line running straight down the centre, with tiny strands of pale grey spreading outwards. Casua groaned, checking her LV once again, despite knowing what would come up.

Casua Gaster


She could have sworn that at some point, her LV had been at a constant of 72, staining her Soul entirely black. There was also a sense that somewhen, in a hazy time she couldn't remember, that number had risen to 92. But Casua couldn't remember exactly why that had been, nor why her Soul, which had always been black, suddenly had that white line.

What Casua did know, however, was that she could not let anyone see that line. If they did, it would become rather apparent that her Soul was not naturally black, like she'd told them, but stained beyond recognition by violence. The natural shine of her white Soul breaking through the darkness could not be seen by anyone, lest they figure out what she'd very careful concealed. An LV that high would have her thrown out for sure, if not killed. And whilst that wouldn't affect her in the long run (she was far too powerful to be taken down that easily), it would be detrimental to her world if it could not be protected by her.

For as well as being the world's creator, Casua also protected it. Many a threat had appeared in the time the world had existed and Casua had killed them all. Which is why that supposed drop in her LV was so concerning. Not only did it endanger her position of secrecy. but it meant she wasn't as strong as she could be. It had taken a while to build up that sort of shield and a crack in it would damage her world's well-being.

Thus, Casua had gone to find a solution. And sitting on the ledge, gazing out along the horizon, she believed she'd just found it.

A few days ago, Gaster had been teaching her about the multiverse theory. He told her that the possibility of infinite different universes was entirely plausible and could even be true. So now Casua had an idea. Find the other universes, enter them and gain as much LV as possible.

That was her plan, and it would work. Casua was sure of it.

The alternative to that plan had been something a lot easier, but something deep in Casua's Soul told her that gaining anymore LV from her own world would have negative consequences she couldn't even bear to think of. Images of dust filled streets and the screams of families torn apart had assaulted her mind's eye whenever she thought about it, deterring her from even trying.

So, Casua stuck to her original idea, working out how she'd leave for so long, how to cover up that emptiness that also followed LV gain. There were many things to work out, but Casua was confident she'd sorted them all.

Casua stood up, making sure Eev3e stayed firmly on her shoulder and was in no danger of falling off. She looked briefly down into the mountain, just able to make out the patch of yellow flowers below. There was nothing down there with the flowers, just inanimate shadows and empty space. Casua waved goodbye to the empty space then turned on her heel and headed down the mountain.

She had a multiverse to find after all.


Well that's done now. Thanks for reading this far by the way, that's really cool of you.

As for what's next, I have no idea. I have a few concepts here and there for more Undertale stuff but not enough for a whole story. I'll probably develop those over an indeterminate timespan and edit this in the meantime.

Thanks again and merry Christmas if you celebrate it.

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