Chapter 27 - Black Magic

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A few weeks passed after Casua and Frisk had officially teamed up. They spent every school day badgering the headmaster during their lunch periods and their free time after school in meetings with the head of the town. They kept up their argument, trying again and again to come up with reasons as to why monsters should be accepted into the human school.

It was tiring work, especially for Casua, who had even less Determination than the average human, let alone Frisk's amount. She struggled to stay hopeful quite often, especially after the humans refused to listen to the two any more unless they brought proof that monsters did indeed want to go to the human school.

Even Frisk felt stumped after that, and despite their Determination, they couldn't find a way to cheer Casua up. So, strangely enough, it was Asriel who came up with an idea.

"Why not have a picnic?" he asked Frisk one day, after they'd come home. Frisk looked at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for their brother to explain.

"As well as a good way for you and Casua to take a break, it could also be a sort of sign up event. Any parents who'd like their children to go to the human school could come and talk about it." Asriel concluded, feeling very proud of himself. As a monster, it wasn't everyday that he got to help Frisk with their duties as the ambassador, but he liked it when he could. Frisk had listened attentively throughout Asriel's explanation, and was now beaming.

"I think that would be the greatest idea Asriel!"


The picnic was soon established for two weeks before the end of the school term, on a warm Saturday afternoon. Monsters from all around the city were welcome to come and eat the food laid out, as well as ask Casua or Frisk questions about the human school. There was also a sheet of paper, where monster children could write their name if they were interested in Frisk's plan, serving as the evidence the humans wanted.

Casua spent most of the afternoon behind the little table she and Frisk had set up, answering questions and eating whatever food she had time to grab. Frisk milled around the park, directing those with questions to Casua's table and those who were hungry to Toriel. Asriel helped them out, talking to the children mostly, but occasionally adults.

Overall, it was a success, which Frisk was very happy about. They found themselves talking to Casua as she packed away all the papers into a folder.

"How many names did we get again?" they asked. Casua checked quickly,

"Thirty two, plus Princey, so that makes thirty three children overall." she replied, placing the list of names back into the folder where it would be safe. Casua stretched, looking up at Frisk as they leant on the table.
"Most of the monsters are around your age, but a few would be in my year or just below. Think that's a wide enough spread?"

Frisk nodded,
"Yeah, definitely."

"Anyways... now that's over, Papyrus challenged me to a game of volleyball without a net. You and Asriel wanna join up with me?"

"Sure." Frisk giggled, "You'll need the help."

The two headed over to where Papyrus was doing imaginary stretches, noticing that Asriel was already there, bouncing a ball absentmindedly.

"Asriel!" Frisk gasped, "Are you teaming with Papyrus?"

"Yup. You two took too long to ask me. Papyrus and I are gonna beat you with ease!" Asriel laughed, mockingly throwing his ball at Frisk, who caught it. Casua frowned at Papyrus, who only patted her on the head in response.

"Don't worry little sister." he said, "I'll make spaghetti when we get back home."

Casua grinned,

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