Chapter 23 - Building a Soul

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C woke up with a sore neck. She found herself dangling half off one of Gaster's desk chairs, with the Royal scientist himself and Frisk looking down at her.

"Uh. Hi?" she mumbled, rubbing at her bleary eyes.

"Good you're up." Gaster said," Frisk here has some questions for you." He forced the ginger into a sitting position then turned on his heels and returned to his work. Frisk smiled,

"I was thinking-"

"Bad habit." C interrupted with a smirk. Frisk rolled their eyes with a huff. This was going to be harder than talking to Gaster.

"-That you saved Gaster by giving him a part of your Soul, so I was wondering if you could save Flowey by giving him a new Soul."

C saw Gaster chuckle to himself as she paused before answering. She muttered something rude towards the tall skeleton and faced Frisk with what she hoped was one of sincerely. It wasn't. Much like a majority of her emotions, C's empathy wasn't there.

"I can't." C said bluntly, giving up on her attempt at being kind. When Frisk opened their mouth to protest, C groaned and began to explain,

"When I injected my Soul's essence into Gaster's, I was fixing what was already there. From what I've heard, Flowey doesn't have a Soul at all, so there's nothing to fix. I can only fix broken Souls, I can't make new ones."

There was no remorse or regret in C's voice, she didn't care less if she could give Flowey a Soul or not, or whether or not that hurt Frisk in any way, no matter how good she was at pretending. An odd trait really, but one C hadn't been able to grow out of.
Gaster shook his head, finally stepping over to the two humans.

"You misunderstand C. Frisk isn't asking you to fix a Soul. They are asking for you to make one, from scratch." the Royal Scientist supplied, then interrupting before C could retort, "And don't try to say that won't work. I have proof it will."

"Oh really." C smirked, "What's that."

"Sans and Papyrus." Frisk told her adamantly, "Now are you going to help me or not?"

C looked defeatedly back and forth between Gaster's knowing smirk and Frisk's hopeful expression.

"Fine. I guess, with the right materials, I can create a new Soul for Flowey."

Frisk pumped their fists in the air with a triumphant shout, dancing around the Lab with happiness. Gaster watched them with a small smile, then looked over at C, who was in danger of falling back asleep.

"What will you need?" he snapped, waking C from her doze. She mumbled profanities in his direction then flashed him a wicked grin.

"Souls. One of every trait."


It was an odd process, making a Soul. Especially one for a Bossmonster child such as Asriel. It had to be strong enough to keep him alive, which meant using the strongest known Souls. Human Souls.

Frisk had been against that notion at first, saying that the human Souls that had been collected in the Underground would feel the pain of being cut up. C reassured them saying that human Souls were only capable of feeling when at full power. The Souls' power would have been depleted after breaking the barrier, and with no way to regain the power, they would feel nothing.

To make the actual Soul, C would be using a tiny fraction of each of the six human Souls, plus a chunk of Frisk's and one from Toriel and Asgore. Each piece would be arranged like a puzzle and held together with pure Creativity.

Actually getting the Souls was hard (as each one had to be found and brought back to Gaster's lab) but it wasn't impossible with a few helpers and shortcuts. Removing a chunk from each was easy enough with Gaster's skill and reasonable experience. He said it was easier when the Soul you were cutting wasn't your own. C didn't doubt him. The actual hard part was broaching the project to Asgore and Toriel, solely for the purpose of gaining chunks from their Souls.

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