Chapter 29 - A Normal Conversation

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Sans had some mixed feelings about what to do the following day. On one hand, he'd had trouble sleeping ever since he'd seen that paragraph in Gaster's book and was not in the best of moods when it came to answer finding. On the other hand, Casua had gone to the human town to meet her friend, which left Sans all day to question Gaster on what the actual heck had been in that book. And it wasn't even just that the information put the entirety of monster kind at risk, but also made Sans look like a complete fool, as he'd let the obvious elude him.

Sure she hadn't done anything... yet... but that still didn't excuse the fact that the King's personally appointed body guard and former Judge of the Underground had allowed something as dangerous as her into his family.


Hopefully it was nothing. Hopefully, whatever Gaster had read in the book had a reasonable explanation that could debunk it all. Yeah that would be it, Gaster would have an explanation for all of this. Casua wasn't bad...

She would never hurt anyone...

Monsters were completely safe...



"One cocoa and one iced tea to take away. Is that right?" The young waitress asked one of the girls standing on the other side of the counter where she was serving. She got a polite nod in response, followed by a sweet smile.

"Coming right up!" She said cheerfully, hurrying away to the kitchens before the second girl could creep her out anymore with those unsettling blank stares.

Casua looked pointedly at her friend, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

"You think I scared her off?" she asked, "Do you think I'll get my iced tea?"

Rose burst out laughing at the seriousness of her friend's tone,

"You'll get your iced tea. But next time don't stare at her."

"Fine." The ginger grumbled, "But it's not that scary."

The two settled into easy conversation as they waited for their drinks to arrive. It was the kind of conversation you'd expect from two teenagers standing in a cafe on a quiet Saturday afternoon. One where the topics ranged from interesting flowers found in Asgore's garden to what kind of music Rose used to study (Casua studied in Gaster's Lab and normally had whatever pre-War songs the skeleton enjoyed).

It was an entirely normal conversation, with nothing suspicious or wrong about it. Everything was okay and as it should be.


Gaster's bedroom door was closed, but the sliver of light shining through the keyhole told Sans that his father was still awake. The short skeleton raised his hand, preparing to knock. He'd been standing there for a good ten minutes already, debating whether or not he should bring his problem up with one of the most aggressively human hating monsters ever to have lived. Unfortunately, Gaster decided that for him.

"Sans! Stop loitering outside my room and get in." Gaster called from within, sounding slightly amused. He was obviously in a good mood, something which Sans envied with his current mindset.

"sorry dad. just had a lot on my mind." the shorter skeleton said as he entered. For a minute there was silence between the two, Gaster still working on whatever blueprints he had and Sans admiring his father's choice of decoration. A beautiful dark navy paint covered the ceiling and top half of the walls, dotted with bright flecks of yellow and white stars. Larger swirls of painted galaxies were scattered less frequently around the room, forming a wonderful abstract image of the Universe. The lower half of the walls were more plain, with just dark wooden boards, but even from the doorway, Sans could pick out patterns carved into the wood.

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