Chapter 28 - Undyne the Definitely Dying

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As far as Magic attacks went, Casua learnt that there were different levels of Magic capacities and that every monster would fall into one category. As a general rule of thumb, the higher a monster's capacity, the longer it could last in battle and the more powerful it's attacks would be. Monsters like whimsums, froggits and misgosps were considered to have a weak to moderate Magic capacity. This was a very small fraction of monsters however, as most had an average Magic capacity. Some very strong monsters were given the title of a high Magic capacity, Undyne was one of these monsters, as was Gerson and Papyrus.

Only four monsters in the entire city had a very high Magic capacity. Asgore, Toriel and Asriel had this amount, as they had strong enough Souls to support that amount of power. The fourth monster with a very high capacity was Sans.

Gaster explained that Sans had been the first of his two clones, and as a result was the subject of Gaster's experiments to make a strong enough monster to break the Barrier. His magic capacity was artificially increased, all in the name of science.

With this information, Casua decided that she wanted to test her Magic capacity. Whilst it was still technically not her own Magic, her Soul still had to support the strain of using it, which meant it had to have a breaking point. Gaster was also interested to find this out, as he claimed that most of the human magicians before the war only had average capacity.

And so, Casua found herself hooked up to a variety of machines, as they all read over her stats to get a feel for how much Magic she could use.

"Okay." Gaster said suddenly, "I want you to summon one of every attack you know and just hold them there. Preferably away from me."

"That's gonna be a lot." Casua grinned. Gaster didn't reply, but waited patiently.

Casua gave in, feeling a familiar warmth in her Soul as she quickly brought out her replicas of the attacks she knew. Just like she said, there was a lot. Ranging from little black pellets and butterflies to a giant floating skull.

"I didn't know Sans showed you the Blasters." Gaster mused, "I can hardly get him to use them."

"Oh he didn't." Casua chuckled, "You used them a few days ago to destroy something in the Lab. I sensed their energy and copied it."

From then on, she casually kept adding to the numerous floating attacks whenever she remembered a new one. It got to the point that Gaster had to build a little hideout from his own attacks to protect himself.

"Yeah okay I think that's enough information!" Gaster decided, noticing the machine he'd set up start going haywire. Casua nodded, dispersing every single attack. Gaster picked a small tablet and quickly scanned the display, his sockets widening.

"Thats... impossible..." Gaster breathed, pressing a few buttons to reload the results.

They didn't change.

"What is it Wings?" Casua asked. Gaster didn't reprimand her for nickname for once, but wordlessly showed her the results.

Casua Gaster

HP 10, ATK 70, DEF 10

Magic Capacity: Infinite

"Somehow, your human Soul is capable of producing an infinite amount of Magic. As long as you have the willpower to keep going, you Magic will never deplete." Gaster explained. Casua sat back in her chair, a look of strange pride on her face.

"Never tire huh... wonder if I could tes-


Gaster jumped, almost dropping his tablet. Casua blinked slowly, spinning her chair around to look over at the door that led to the main Lab. She could hear another voice on the other side, but it wasn't as loud and had a sort of nervous stutter to it. Gaster marched over to the door, swinging it open with an irritated growl.

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