Chapter 14 - New Help

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Toriel and Papyrus spent all night by Gaster's side, silently pouring healing magic into his Soul. Alphys and Frisk had also dropped by with monitoring equipment and food for the healers. No one was surprised by the monitoring machine's outputs, and if anything it only made Sans and Papyrus even more anxious; so Alphys took the machines down once more. She didn't want to say it, but it would be quite obvious when Gaster's Soul finally shattered. Not that they'd remember of course, he wouldn't exist to be remembered. Frisk, meanwhile, made it a point to share optimism throughout the small group. They told Sans that he shouldn't give up, because they hadn't either. They told Papyrus he was great and would be able to heal Gaster through sheer power of will and greatness. They told Alphys that her help was vital and they told Toriel that she wouldn't lose her friend. If only they could tell Gaster that he would be fine.

Gaster himself wasn't doing too good. All Soul problems aside, he had begun to slip in and out of consciousness more and more frequently, only waking up for five minutes at a time before passing out once more. Five minutes of awake time became four and a half. That became three after another crack shot through Gaster's Soul. At this point, Sans had become more despondent than ever and had moved downstairs for a break. Break being sitting on a chair and wallowing in depressing thoughts. Papyrus would come down when he could, but always had to leave again to heal their father.

If it hadn't been apparent already, time was running out.


At seven in the morning, Frisk went to see Sans on their twenty-seventh food run, to tell him how things were going. Sans ignored them, staring into nothingness so Frisk moved to the kitchen. Then they paused as a thought came to them. All night, the group had discussed ideas on how to help Gaster's Soul, to no avail. According to Alphys, no one could really help since the study of Souls wasn't very popular among humans or monsters.

But as they picked up a cinnamon bun from the counter, Frisk disagreed with that. There was someone in their school, someone they knew rather well who could help. It wasn't a flawless idea, and more likely than not she would refuse to do anything. But it was worth a shot. Because if anyone would know how to fix a Soul, it would be her. Frisk just had to get some help in the matter.

"Sans." they said urgently, gently shaking Sans until he looked at them, "Sans I have an idea."

"it's okay kiddo. we all know what's gonna happen eventually." Sans sighed listlessly, skull lolling backwards with his blank sockets looking more lifeless than threatening. Frisk put on a brave face and stood firm.

"No! I actually have an idea. It's a school day today-"

"no one expects you to go there today frisk..."

"Sans let me finish! What I mean to say, is there's a person in my school who could help."

Sans looked up at Frisk and raised his brow-bone.

"a human?"



"I don't know, But she'll be able to, I swear!"

A minute of silence stretched into two. When Sans spoke again, the words weren't as hopeless as they had been before.

"kay then. let's pay her a visit."


By the time Frisk had explained their plan to Toriel, Alphys and Papyrus, it was nearing the time that school would be opened. Unfortunately that meant more time had been wasted. Frisk had also found another problem in their not-so-flawless plan. They pulled Sans out the door and turned to face him with a stern expression.

"So the school's kinda a mile away. It will take us at least fifteen minutes to get there-" Frisk stopped as Sans grabbed their arm, he didn't say anything but his left socket flashed blue for a brief moment. There was a tugging sensation in their Soul as the world turned black. They reappeared by Sans, standing outside their school building. They blinked, wondering how Sans knew where the human school was.

"where now kiddo?" Sans said, his grin looking more like a happy grin than a mask to cover pain. Frisk grinned and began walking towards the school entrance. Upon giving it a shove, the door swung open and Frisk stepped through. The building itself was eerily quiet, which was good, since there would be not many people to accidentally run into. Frisk began to walk, until they realised Sans was still by the door.

"if it's this early then how will your friend be here?" he asked, curiously. Frisk shrugged,

"She gets here really early, like 'before the sun comes up' early. Pretty sure she stole a key from the caretaker and uses that." they said. Sans chuckled,

"guess you could say she's a star student."

"That was terrible." Frisk groaned. Sans only waved a hand, signalling them to continue walking. Frisk did so, taking the skeleton up to the second floor where all the science labs were. They stopped at the end of the corridor by a door marked "Computer Lab". A light was on inside, although there was no teacher obviously present at the desk.

Frisk gently opened the door and stepped inside the room, Sans following behind them. There was the sound of fans whirring inside the rows of computers and the air smelt faintly of ozone. The room's single occupant was seated at a desk near the back. She had dark ginger hair, cut short in a pixie style. A black hoodie was thrown over the back of her chair and a black backpack was dumped in another chair next to her. She was typing something on the computer in front of her and didn't notice Frisk until she turned around to rummage in her bag.

Now, the two visitors could see her properly; she was wearing a long sleeved top and cargo pants. Perhaps most curiously was the deep blue heart pendant necklace she wore around her neck, because to Sans... Well, it looked a lot like a Soul. Why she had something akin to an Integrity Soul on a necklace, Sans didn't know, but he wasn't sure he if wanted to find out. Upon noticing the two, the girl began to lean back from her bag and gave Frisk a curious shrug. Frisk just stepped closer,

"Hey C."

The girl stood up, giving Frisk an awkward one armed hug before turning to Sans.

"You're a skeleton right? Cool, Frisk tells me a lot about monsters. As they said, I'm C. It's nice to meet you, Mr skeleton."

Sans didn't reply as he was too busy studying C in more detail. He was occupied in checking her a couple times over to make sure nothing bad came up. Frisk sighed and took over,

"This is Sans." they explained. Sans tore his eye sockets away from the information he had called upon and looked directly up at C, his permanent grin widening.

"heya. the kid said you could help us."

"Then they were lying. I can't help people... " C replied bluntly. Frisk opened their mouth to say something, but Sans was already there,

"heh. i don't remember frisk being a liar. you could just say no, y'know?"

C blinked. She wasn't used to be threatened, especially by a skeleton who was just barely half her height. Oh well, crazy things happen to everyone. And crazy things were fun.

"What exactly did you need help with?" she asked, slightly more curious now.

"our friend is having a small problem with his Soul." Sans said, expertly hiding both the truth and his obvious pain that came with the statement. C grinned almost maniacally, extending her hand for Sans to shake.

"Well why didn't you say so? Souls happen to be my favourite thing to fix."

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