Chapter 36 - A Perfect World

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That morning, Casua woke to silence. The bright sunlight shining through the gaps in her curtains and blinding her gave away the time of day. She groaned and shifted, pulling the covers over her shoulders. At least she hadn't woken up in the middle of the night again, but waking up late morning was bound to upset Papyrus. Which was why the silence was odd. Normally, the youngest skeleton's voice would have been filling the house, reprimanding her or Sans for being so lazy.

Curious as to where Papyrus may have gone in order for him to not have woken her up, Casua rolled over in bed and began to sit up. Just in time for a soft pillow to connect with her face with the force of a small dog leaping into one's lap.

"What the-"

"morning sleepy head." Sans grinned, lowering his pillow and flashing her an evil grin, "should'a kept your robot online if ya wanted privacy."

Casua huffed, crossing her arms,

"Eev3e is not a guard dog. Besides, I usually expect Papyrus waking me up audibly, not physically beating me."

Sans laughed, dropping his pillow and holding out on hand to Casua. She took it gingerly, feeling him instantly tug her out of bed with all his might. She flailed a little, but didn't fall on her face, much to Sans' disappointment.

"whoops, guess my help was too overpowering for you."

"You think?" she smirked back, standing up. Sans shrugged,

"dunno. paps went on a run by the way, undyne dragged him out earlier."

Chuckling at the thought of poor Papyrus having to go on an undoubtedly very early jog with the fiery fish warrior, Casua turned to another questions she'd been meaning to ask.

"Anyway, what's the occasion? You only wake up before noon if there's something going on."

"what's the occasion? cas it's december 15th!" Sans admonished. Casua looked at him with a confused expression,

"What?" She could have sworn it was only the 5th... and yet something inside her mind told her that was stupid. Of course it was the 15th... she'd gone out to town with Rose only yesterday for last minute Christmas shopping, which they had planned to happen on the 14th. So why did that seem so wrong?

"how did you forget?" Sans asked, concern leaking into his voice, "is something wrong?"

Casua looked at the shorter skeleton, feeling a cold shiver go down her spine as his eye-lights flickered out momentarily. Then she thought about what he was saying, and everything she'd just 'forgotten' came flooding back to her.

"Oh... nevermind I remember. We're going down to the Underground for a Gyftmas celebration at the old castle right? Then we head back up for Christmas."

Sans raised a browbone.

"yeah, exactly that." he said, staring at her as if something was wrong. And then he did that thing where all his worry melted away and he started properly smiling again. "welp, best leave you to get dressed. we're leaving in fifteen minutes, so jump to it."

Casua smiled back,

"Sure. Meet you downstairs."

The skeleton picked up his pillow, winked at Casua, then took a shortcut away. Casua watched the space where Sans had been standing shift back into place, then let out a small sigh of contentment. Somewhere, deep in her Soul, there was a happy feeling that she'd accomplished something, although she couldn't quite remember what.

With a shrug, Casua went around her room, collecting items of clothing from the floor and occasionally a draw or two. She put them on, took a quick look in the mirror to sort out her hair, then left her room, ready for the excitement of the day. She went downstairs, feeling a strange sense of unease with each step, as if something had gone wrong. Of course, when she reached the bottom, nothing was out of place and she could hear Gaster tinkering with something or other in the dining room.

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