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(First time direct writing on wattpad without writing it on copy)


You always give me something I never expected,
But I forget if tree is giving me breathe they can snatch it too,
I dont know your past and what you had,
Because you never told me but it can be okay if it was for few.....

I become habitual with darkness,
You came and brought me out of it?
Now I am back to that darkness with lots of sadness ,
But now I will never found you bring me back to the light.

My dark is much darker than you 'star',
Come near fast otherwise I have to always stay in night,
I know you are far but you wasn't liar to never come ,
I need our relation of colour white..


Some meaning - star in first line of 3 paragraph because star are much far from us.If the star will come near so I could be under the light of them like moon, on day also and night also.

Colour white because it never hide anything and everything should be so clear... and white because that person lie also...

Something Special:

•Formality doesn't make any relationship works, it just need two hearts even if everything else is opposite.

•Formality doesn't make any relationship works, it just need two hearts even if everything else is opposite

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Stay love with youself

POETIC VENNIEWhere stories live. Discover now