Touching Heaven (Oscars Time Capsule)

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All I see are angels
All these streets are gold
That lead to you

Out of nervous habit, I took another lap around the room as I readjusted my collar and the cuffs of my shirt. My hair was slicked back in a well groomed coif, just like she liked it. The scruff of my beard  cleanly shaven for the special occasion.

In all honesty, nights like tonight weren't my favorite. No, even after all these years, the lights had always been a bit too bright for my liking, and the commotion of the evening understandably excessive. I preferred the soft warm light of our bedside table lamp, and the stillness of our room when the only sound I could hear was the soft hush of her breath as she slept.

It was the reality in which we lived, but no, nights like these were never my favorite.

Award shows had always been a parade of Hollywood's elite. A supposed celebration of artists, and well crafted work; however, the flair of it all sometimes made it feel artificial. The attention not so much on artistry, but rather on frivolous debates and shallow characters who had been blinded by the light of celebrity. A constant, obsessive attempt to get close to the powerful, oh, we were used to those kind. But on nights like this, everything seemed to be heightened, and those folk seemed to be everywhere around us.

Nevertheless, few thing gave me greater pleasure than to be with my wife.

Though these award shows often felt superficial, they were a beautiful reminder of time gone by, each marking a year, and important moments in our lives. Oscar night in particular was always special. Looking back, it is frightening how quickly time had passed. So many moments, wrapped into a world-wind of love, joy, and gratitude. The minutes and hours of the day ticked by so slowly, but the years, oh the years, they charged by faster than I could have ever imagined.

One minute, my lips were brushing her shoulder for the first time, and the next she was...

"Baby?" A voice from above said, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Stef," I whispered, looking up at her.

Speechless. Absolutely speechless.

It's a beautiful thing, the creation of words, and I am a man of many. It takes a lot to leave me speechless. But this woman, this incredible woman, always manages to leave me at a loss.

Her hair was blown back in a soft elegance, each blonde lock gently resting on her sun-kissed shoulders.

She looked down at me with a soft smile from where she stood on the top of the tall staircase landing. One of her hands was rested on the bannister, and I could see the sparkle of her wedding ring glisten as it the light hit the diamond.

Tom, came from behind her to pick up the train of her long cream dress that hugged her figure impeccably. She took a step down, holding her burgeoning belly with a gentle hand.

It was like my whole world was in slow motion, as if everything around me was spinning, spinning, but I was still. 

Even after all these years, the very site of her took my breath away, so much so that it felt like my lungs had been sucked dry at the core. But when our eyes met, oh, those eyes, it was as if an angel had drifted down from heaven and blown the air right back into the depths of my soul.

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