Let Them Eat Cake (Gaga Birthday Drabble)

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*Request: I received a request from @LaurenClark to write something for Gaga's Birthday! It's also my birthday (I realize I am very lucky to have the same birthday as my queen), so I said why not.
I hope you enjoy!


"Shhh! Margot, you're being too loud!" Lulu hushed, scolding her sister.

Margot snorted, rolled her eyes at her sister. "She won't wake up," she lisped.

"Nuh-uh! You know every time we make a peep, she hears!" Lulu retorted, her voice no longer a whisper from her annoyance.

"Uh-huh!" Margot scoffed.


"Alright, alright! It's way too early for this. Let's settle down now, you two, or you're really going to wake Mommy," I said, stepping in between my two oldest daughters, while I gripped Evie against my hip.

At 7:00am, we were all still in our pajamas. I was in my old gray sweatpants with my shirt off, and the girls were wearing their matching floral tops and bottoms. Even little Evie had not prepared for the morning yet, still in the footy-pajamas with sheep on the feet that my mother had bought her last week.

They both looked up at me with obvious annoyance. Lulu huffed, crossing her arms, as she popped her hip out like their mother always did when she was mad at me. Margot crossed her arms just the same, glaring at me with a scowling pout.

Sometimes I had to remind myself that I was the father or a six-year old and a four-year old, not two teenagers girls.

"Margot, you go get the forks, and Lulu, you go get the candles from the cupboard," I instructed, sending them both in different directions.

"What are we going to do with your sisters, Evie-girl? Huh?" I whispered, scratching my stubble against the baby's cheek as she let out a loud giggle. "What are we going to do with those two?" I repeated. "You'll never get annoyed at Daddy, right baby? Evie will always be sweet with Daddy," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple as I pulled the gourmet chocolate cake out of the fridge.

I had managed to sneak it into the house from my car last night while Stefani was nursing the baby, pushing it to the back of our large refrigerator so my wife could not find it.

"Who am I kidding? The minute you can talk, I know you'll be just as fresh as your Momma, and your sisters," I chuckled, biting her little fingers softly as she put her hand in my mouth, and I carried the cake box in my free hand.

"I got 'em, Daddy," Lulu said, holding up the pink candles we had bought for Margot's birthday a few months ago.

"Me too," Margot added, as she clasped the forks in both hands.

"Okay, good job, girls," I said encouragingly, trying to get their excitement back up. Now let's put the candles in the cake," I instructed, putting the cake down on the counter, before I pulled over the girls' stepping stools with my foot.

I opened the boxed with one hand, still holding Evie to my hip as she eyed the chocolate. "Uh, uh, uh," I hummed grabbing Evie's little hands before she could reach at the cake. "You can't have that, Evie!" I chuckled, pulling her away as I took the cake out of the box, and placed it onto a large plate and tray.

She looked at me, with that same livid look, visibly Germanotta trademark, her eyes wide like she was going to cry.

"Oh, don't you start now," I mumbled, cradling her head before she could protest.

"Daddy, does that look good?" Margot asked, as she put the last candle on the cake.

"Mhmm, that looks good," I lied, only having looked away for a moment, to look back and see that she and Lulu had put the entire 30 pack of candles on the cake. "She'll love it," I sighed, as the two of them clapped excitedly.

"Shhh!" Margot hushed, as she brought her finger to her lips.

"Oh, now you're quiet!" Lulu rolled her eyes.

"Now, Lu, can I ask you to hold Evie while I light the candles?"

She nodded eagerly, as I placed her baby sister in her arms for her to hold. "Hi Sissy!" She squeaked, blowing a raspberry on her Evie's cheek, as the baby giggled loudly.

Margot stood on her tip toes, reaching over to hand me the lighter, "Here, Daddy."

"Thanks, baby," I mumbled, pressing a kiss to her forehead, as I lit the candles one by one.

"Do you have the cards you made for Mommy?" I asked.

"Got 'em," Margot confirmed, waving them in her left hand. Alright, we ready?" I asked, picking up the tray.

"Mhmm, they hummed back.

"You grab the forks, Margot," I said, ushering them up the stairs, while I tried to keep the candles lit. "Now, you have to be quiet," I whispered as we slowing made our way up the stairs to our bedroom, the floor creaking with every step we took.

I could confidently plays bets on the fact that Stefani was already awake, our girls' high pitched voices had a tendency of carrying loudly through the house, but I knew she would play along to make the girls happy.

With Margot leading the way, the four-year old gently pushed the door open of our bedroom, looking back up at me with the sweetest grin on her face of pure excitement.

She brought her finger to her lips again, tip toeing slowly towards her mother.

I nodded, and as the true daughters of a musician, they knew their queue.

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, dear Mommy
Happy Birthday to You

Stefani slowly stretched, pulling the covers away from her face as she opened her eyes. Pulling out a fake yawn before she sat up.

"Happy Birthday, Mommy!" The two oldest girls squeaked, skipping towards her as I followed behind.

"Mhmm, thank you babies," Stefani grinned, opening her arms up for them to fill on either side of her. "A cake?! For breakfast!" She laughed.

Even after a hectic morning, and so many years together, all I needed to hear was that sweet, melodious laugh to settle my soul.

"It's your favorite!" Lulu added, as she handed Evie over to her Mother.

"From Magnolia!" Margot nodded excitedly.

"The fact that it's for breakfast makes it even better," Lulu explained.

"With cards and everything too!" Lulu motioned as they handed everything over to Stefani.

"Cards! Did you make these yourselves?" She gawked playfully as they grinned proudly at their armature artwork.

"I hope you got the banana bread pudding too," she smirked at me, as I leaned down to kiss her lips.

"Happy Birthday, my love," I whispered, pressing my forehead against hers for a moment as I put the tray down on her lap.

"Thank you, baby."

"Mommy, you have to make a wish, before the candles go out," Lulu insisted, as I sat on the side of the bed.

"Alright, alright! I just don't know if I can blow all these candles out by myself. Will you help?" Stefani asked, turning to the girls as they nodded vigorously.

"Close your eyes and wish on three. Ready?"





I hope you enjoyed reading! Please comment, like/star and let me know what you think!
Grateful to share my birthday with the most incredible role model and woman.

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