Darrin 🖤

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Y’all only for the moment....She Forever 🖤 Shorty The Reason My Heart Beats......

She Forever 🖤 Shorty The Reason My Heart Beats

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Darrin Wilson:

Since I been outta the coma Ayesha haven't been by to see a nigga and I really needed her with me. I can't imagine life without her, my heart  beat at the mention of her. I know she might think it was her fault that I got shot but it wasn't, she didn't knew that that clown ass nigga was gon really shoot at me. Lucas been up here every day getting on my nerves with him talking shit about Ayesha smh.
"Black bitch!"Lucas yelled out and Mir was trying to calm him down but instead she slapped him with so much anger into her eyes.
"Enough already! I'm not about allow you to keep talking shit about my best friend. If I hear anything come out yo mouth about bad mouthing her again you going to be admitted in the hospital next."She walked out leaving Lucas in a dazed holding his head down. My nurse had came in to check up on me and she's fine but not as beautiful as Ayesha.

Nurse Kai

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Nurse Kai

"How you doing so far Darrin?"She asked logging into the computer that's in the room. Removing the breathing mask from my mouth coughing before answering back.
"Not good, I need my girl. She's the only one who can make me feel better. Can you give me the phone please?"I had a tear come down my face as I dial her number but it went straight to her voicemail. Tears automatically just start coming down my face outta no where, Lucas felt bad and came over to placed the oxygen mask back on his face so he can breathe again and pour a cup of water for him to drink. Nurse Kai sat down and talk to him and calm himself down she even offer to give Ayesha another call and she finally had answer. Nurse Kai had explain everything to her and got Ayesha to come see about Darrin. Ayesha walked in and all eyes was on her, she smile walking over to sit down by Darrin bed.

Darrin grabbed her hand squeezing it tight not trying to let her go

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Darrin grabbed her hand squeezing it tight not trying to let her go.
"If I love you then I love you and I got my mind set on, never letting you go no matter what we go thru."Darrin told her looking in her eyes waiting for her to lean in to kiss him. "Baby I need you to kiss me."Ayesha stood back and watch him struggle to breathe which made her start kissing him adding tongue trying to calm his breathing down. Man y'all a nigga felt so much better after that kiss it was like the kiss sent electricity through me to breathe again on my own. Ayesha shyly smile towards me, I swear she's like a Angel from heaven God really bless me with her into my life.
"Here drink this, it's cold with ice."She helped me drink the water in the cup since my shoulder is fucked up. "When are you getting outta here?"Nurse Kai came in with the discharged papers she told me everything that I need to do and not to do in order to get better. Then we was on our way over to her house it's where I'm a be staying for now on, I miss her sleeping in my arms and waking up to her in the morning. I am in love.

Waking up and getting outta bed to do my hygienes and shit I decided to go downstairs to see what's cooking and to my surprised one of her brothers was cooking breakfast and listening to music. Decided to not distract him I went to find Ayesha in the laundry room washing clothes and sorting em out.
"Morning suga,"she smirked without looking at me. "You feeling okay?"
"Yeah baby, feeling so much better now that we're together again,"I leaned over getting ready to kiss her when her brother came in announcing that the food ready looking me up and down.
"Okay I'll be in there Trey,"he eyed me for a minute before walking off into the kitchen. "Trey don't get along with new people so give him time to get to know you."I never met neither of her brothers due to the simple fact they were never around so I was wondering why they're starting to come now. She told me that she has six brothers and I was wondering where the rest of em at since Trey here cooking breakfast. I guess I'll soon find out, walking behind Ayesha to the kitchen... She made both of our plate and sat at the table.
"So you Darrin? Are you making my little sister happy?"Trey had his shirt off all comfortable on the couch, he was looking like he staying here.


"Yeah this my baby girl, I tried making her happy."I pulled Ayesha onto my lap kissing her lips. "I'll go to war for her, she's my everything I wouldn't know what to do without her."I was talking like I was saying it to Ayesha then her brother. Trey perks up telling me about what almost happen to Ayesha when she told him to shut up with anger all in her face then she ran upstairs. Trey had stop talking about it respecting his sisters wishes, him and Ayesha so close at age even though he's older. They were inseparable growing up he don't let nothing happen to her, he treated her like Royalty whatever she want she get since her being the only girl. Trey and Darrin gotten along real well now it's five more brothers to meet.

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