Chapter 11 - Jack

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No one's P.O.V. / Narrator

About a week since the carnival passed.  Y/N is kept busy with her editing job, but stays consistent.  Everyone loves her work!  Y/N, Sketc, Corl, and Kate went on another double date and this one went better.  The Pals plus Ethan Y/N and Kate went to the park, and movies, and lunch together.  They were all having a great time in Massachusetts.  It was now Monday morning and they had no plans but to hang out at home and finish up with the vlog.  

Sketch's P.O.V.

I woke up at 8:25 in the morning.  I looked over at my set-up and thought about recording a video.  NAh, too early.  Kate and Y/N were visiting frequently and we were just gonna hang out today.  I took my shirt off and put a clean one on.  I brushed through my hair with my fingers and went downstairs.  Corl was already face-timing Kate, Ethan was eating cereal with Alex, Denis and Sub were still sleeping.

 "Morning." Ethan said through a mouth full of cereal.  I waved at him and say down.

 " Any plans for today?  Other than videos obviously. " I ask everyone.

 "Kate and Y/N will probably be over soon." Corl said.

 " We could go down to Between The Lakes. " Ethan suggested.  (Props if you know that place from one of their vlogs!  😁)

 "Meh, yeah I guess so.  We haven't been hiking in a while, just around the parks. We need to see what the weather will be like though." I turned to the tv and switched it on.  I scrolled through the channels and put the news on.  There was a story about a mall shooting and Alex shook his head.

 " It's so sad to think of all those people.  Like when Denis and I were at the mall during the shooting.  Luckily it didn't make it past the parking lot but those poor people. "(Again, props if you knew this already.  In January he tweeted about it.)  Corl grinned at Alex as he set his phone on the table.  

I left the news on while I got up to use the bathroom.  When I came back everyone was near the tv and staring at it worryingly.

" What?  Storms or something? " I asked trying to be reasonable.

 "Bro, your gonna wanna see this." Ethan said picking up the remote and rewinding it.  The tv anchor talked started talking while the screen changed to the jail.  And then a familiar face.

 " Authorities have reported a jailbreak from the county jail.  Jack Dorl, a citizen placed behind bars for attempted murder at a restaurant has escaped.  If you are him anywhere, please call the police. "

I just stared at the tv in shock, like they all were before.

 "Well, he was gonna get out sooner or later.  After all he didn't really murder anyone." Alex said.  As I opened my mouth there was a. knock at the door.

 "We can't tell them about this if they don't know yet!". I said panicking .

" Who?  Y/N and Kate?  They'll know, I'm telling you. " Ethan said as I got up to open the door.  Y/N flung herself into my arms and I hugged back surprised.

 "Elijah!  Oh Elijah!  Jack, he's out!"

 Y/N P.O.V

I hugged Elijah for a while and then let go.  Kate stood with Corl and she gazed at him.  She was thinking of the restaurant, I new it.

 "I know Y/N But it'll be okay.  We can all just hang out here today if you'd feel more safe.  Or we could go out as a group like we would have anyway." He said to me.  I smiled looked at everyone else, then turned back to Elijah.

 " Thanks but I'm okay, I was just worried about you. " He shrugged and I continue, now to everyone.                     "Jack will probably be out looking for us but I think if we go out all together, and stick like that, we'll be  fine to go anywhere.  The authorities are looking for him, I think we shouldn't let this ruin our day. " Ethan nods and says,

"We were thinking of going to Between The Lakes.  Is that okay?"

" Sounds like fun! " I cheerfully say trying to change the mood.  We all stay at their house for a while and go at 10:00.  We spend most of the day hiking an d we even packed a picnic.  Kate and I decided to sleepover, just in case.  I ran into Elijah's room after saying good night to everyone and sat on his bed.  I had changed into PJ's already but he hadn't.  As I say in his bed scrolling through Twitter I looked up at him.  He was slowly taking off his shirt and looked around for a sweatshirt to wear.  He caught me staring.

"What is it?" He asked grinning.

" Nothing.... You're just pretty cute, that's all. "

"I can say the same to you." He said, his grin growing larger.  He sat down next to me ( still without a shirt cuz did is a fanfic 😋) and hugged me.  I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You know that I didn't mean for Jack to find me, and attack Corl. He wanted you and I don't want that to happen." I say looking at him.  His hand slides into mine.

" I know Y/N. " We pull closer and kiss, lips locking for a while.  When we pull away he goes back to throw a sweatshirt on.  He jumps into the bed making me giggle.

"Goodnight Y/N." He said reaching for the light.

" Night Elijah. " he turned off the light and we fell asleep.  I was awoken in the middle of the night smelling smoke and feeling hotter than normal.


I just wanna say I'm sorry for how crappy this chapter was.  Recently Corl was kicked from The Pals so I had no clue what to do.  I actually had some ideas for him but right now, I don't feel like writing since he isn't in The Pals anymore.  So sorry for the chapter and how lazy it was.  Corl is staying since there is no direction to get rid of him that I want to take.  Thanks for reading dis if you are I really appreciate it and, well.... Cringe :/

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