fifty four

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ELIZABETH TOLD JIM everything and then Jim told her that he already knew, because one of his men had been in one of the helicopters that had surrounded them. The only one angled in a position to see Elizabeth shoot Charles Magnussen and not Sherlock. That's when Elizabeth frowned though, and leant back on his lap, remembering something. Jim's hands were resting on Elizabeth's hips and he was busy staring at her mouth until her lips turned down and his eyes trailed to find her eyes. Instinctively, he frowned too.

"Mycroft told me he had an informant." She said, "Someone who worked with you, when you were alive." She was pouting, an exaggerated disappointment on her face. "He told him about us, so he wants contacts from me, data." Moriarty's eyes rolled into his head and Elizabeth felt his chest vibrate as he growls in frustration. He leans forward a little and picked up his phone from his desk, Elizabeth could hear the keyboard clicks as he typed out his message. Just as he placed it back down on the wood, it vibrated. He looked from his phone to Elizabeth with a Cheshire Cat smile.

"Looks like we've found him, love." Elizabeth hummed. She didn't plan on moving from her place on Moriarty's lap, even though she knew whoever the rat was would be seeing Moriarty soon. He was lucky, usually they're killed before they ever meet Jim. Soon enough,there was a knock at the door. It took longer than she expected. Almost five minutes.

"Moran said you wanted to see me, sir. It's nice to meet- to meet you Sir. Finally." Elizabeth giggled burrowing into Moriarty's neck as he remained seated and looked over to see the man from Elizabeth's shoulder. Her laughter only heightened  the man's nerves but bubbled from what she knew was coming up. Elizabeth leant back a little, her movement making Moriarty's grip instinctively tighter. She was only adjusting so she could turn her head to see the man in question, she wasn't moving from her throne. Elizabeth recognised the man who stood before them, honestly she was surprised to. But if they hadn't met, he wouldn't have known about her.

"Tiger was right, Dunn. How are you?"

"How am I, Sir?" Moriarty was already bored, looking back at Elizabeth instead, rolling his eyes.

"Was that not a question people ask?" He looked quickly back at Dunn and then at Elizabeth. "Did I get it wrong?"

"No sir." The man rushed, "I'm fine-fine, thank you." Moriarty didn't respond. Elizabeth rolled her eyes in turn and rested her head sleepily on Moriarty's shoulder. His hand moved to hold her thigh.

"You're supposed to ask how I am, now, Dunn." The man shifted. Cheeks red and purple from the veins rising to the surface. He looked incredibly nervous. He was sweating, and he moved his hands behind his back because he was physically trembling. "Is that how I do it, love?" Moriarty was talking to Elizabeth and she sighed, turning herself to rest one arm on the desk and then her chin on her fist.

"Yes, Jim." Elizabeth smiled, "I think he's being rude." Moriarty was grinning wickedly as the man began physically squirming from Elizabeth's additional input. Moriarty leant forward and placed a distracted kiss on the exposed skin of neck.

"No-no, I'm sorry. Ho-How are you? I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to offend-" Elizabeth sighed loudly and Moriarty looked away from her and back at one of his employers. He'd never actually seen him before. He cracked his neck.

"Dunn, you're loosing my interest." He stated flatly. "Straight into the danger zone." He mimicked going down hill, lifting his hand into the air and plummeting it towards the desk with a whistle. Moriarty pouted when his whistling faded and shook his head. Dunn squirmed even more.

"What-What can I help you with Sir?"

"I'm just...I'm just disappointed, really." Jim continued to shake his head slowly, frowning. He paused and snapped his eyes back to him. "I presume you know who you work for?" He was suddenly serious.

"You, Sir." Moriarty hummed regretfully, his face beginning to twitch. Elizabeth slowly lifted from his grip and sat herself on the desk so he could stand. She could see his eyes darkening.

Suddenly, something changed. His smirk dropped and Moriarty slammed his fists violently against the desk. Elizabeth's leg lifted from the rattling that went through the wood.  He was shouting, terrifying, his skin darkening from his outburst of rage. Elizabeth bit back a smile as his voice bellowed through the room.


Moriarty straightened himself and wiped a hand over his mouth. He looked at Elizabeth and he exhaled slowly, puffing out his cheeks. "I can see where the confusion came from." He said understandingly, softly, and Elizabeth hummed in agreement. "Moriarty..Mycroft?" Jim paused and then shivered, pretending to gag. "God, the worst of the two. Honestly Dunn," he placed his palm to his chest. "I'm offended."

"I don't-I don't understand, Sir-"

"I can't help but take this all personally." He was saying,

"Sir-I don't-"

Moriarty shouted above Dunn, who was interrupting him, his impatience obvious, "AND YOU CHOOSE," he quickly calmed himself, " tell them about Elizabeth, too." Moriarty tutted, sucking air through his teeth and frowning again, dramatically shaking his head with another pout. "It's just not acceptable. You've been such a waste of my time, Stewart Dunn." Elizabeth mimicked Jim's pout towards Dunn, giving him no remorse when his eyes desperately flicked to her. "I expect loyalty from my men." Moriarty said, opening his mouth as if to continue only to place his lips back together and sigh loudly. He seemed to catch sight of Elizabeth again and wrapped himself around her. Elizabeth stood from the desk, slipping perfectly into the curve of his side and his hand fell routinely to her waist.

"What should we do, Lizzie?" Elizabeth giggled childishly and standing on her tip toes, whispering, not quietly, in his ear.

"I think we should kill him."


James hummed over Dunn's distress, leaning back to see Elizabeth's face, hungry to memorise the heaven in front of him. His eyes rested on her lips.

"Sebastian!" He called, looking away from Elizabeth but keeping his grip on her. Routinely, the door to the room opened and Sebastian entered. He grabbed Dunn by the collar and took a gun from his pocket. Sebastian removed him from the room.

There was something about Elizabeth being beside James, at work, that made his hair rise with an intoxicating amount of power. Power he didn't know he needed. Moriarty smiled to himself, eyes black with the sight of her, and he nipped at her jaw with a loud sigh. "Shall we go home then, Darling?"

the king's crown | j. moriarty (18+)Where stories live. Discover now