• Chapter 4: Follow You •

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"Do you know what this feels like, Mer?" Lexie asked nervously, while she was marching up and down the living room. Meredith was trying to follow her sister's explanaition, without interrupting her.

"It was literally last week, when he was talking about how cute our babies would look like. Babies!" she ran her hand through her messy hair and stopped walking for a second, but soon continued. "Why in the world would he talk about babies?"

"You were working with him on a pregnant patient, I remember that," Meredith interrupted and bit herself in the tongue afterwards. She had promised herself not to interrupt her.

"He wasn't talking just about any babies, but our babies!" Lexie sat on the sofa and stared into Meredith's eyes. "Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of his words, but why would he even talk about them in the first place?"

There was a brief moment of silence, which Lexie used to gather her thoughts and calm down a slight bit. Meredith was still quiet and only gave her sister a sympathetic look, while holding restless Zola in her arms. She was cheerfully bouncing around and giggling.

Lexie took another deep breath in and massaged her temples.

"Why would he talk about our babies one week, and then make out with some random nurse the other, right in front of me?" she questioned quietly. She felt the sharp pain in her chest after saying those words, but would never allow herself to break down because of it. "It's like he is giving me false hope and enjoys doing so."

Meredith saw Lexie's confusion, she was able to recognize the sadness in her eyes and so she placed Zola in a high-chair and sat down next to her sister. Without knowing how to react, she just simply hugged her and no other words were necessary. A loving hug makes one feel better, at least that's how they say. And although it calmed her down, Lexie still didn't understand the situation she was in.

"Mer?" Lexie mumbled into Meredith's shoulder which caused the hug to break, but Meredith still kept her hands on her sister's shoulders. "How can someone enjoy hurting others like this? We are surgeons, we help and fix our patients not tear them apart. We don't want them to die..."

"I know, Lexie. But this is who Mark is and he has his own reputation, you know that. He is a manwhore and you shouldn't be running from him. You have to face him and put him in his place, sooner or later. No matter what he says or does, I am here for you, alright? But trust me, he knows what he is missing, he knows how special you are. You two were a thing for quite a while," Meredith replied calmly. She hated that Lexie was going through all of this, she would never wish it upon anyone.

"You think so?"

"I know so," she continued and kindly smiled. "Maybe this is why he talked about your nonexistent babies. He wants it, he wants you, but he is too proud to admit it. He's trying to silence the feeling by kissing nurses around the hospital."

Lexie's eyes seemed slightly brighter after her sister enlightened her confused mind.

"Thank you, Mer," she thanked and smiled back at her. "I feel better now, I guess... You are right, I can't just run from him, I can't just disappear and go home to complain about it to someone... Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do all this, I didn't mean to steal your time off only for you to help me deal with my troubles..."

"Stop that, Lexie," Meredith chuckled and shook her head. "If there is ever anything wrong, you can always talk to me about it. I'll always listen and if necessary I will always be your shoulder to cry on."

Zola happily clapped her hands while sitting in the high-chair. Lexie walked over to her and picked her up, while the little one was wiggling around and kicking all around.

"Zo-zo, I think I came home earlier, because I missed you too much! Who gives a damn about Mark, if I have you and your mama by my side, no matter what!"

Meredith was observing this scene while still sitting on the sofa, smiling from ear to ear.

It is crazy how loving words, benevolent smiles and even the simplest hugs help someone feel better. Sometimes, even by just simply listening to someone's problems, you help them cope with their troubles. As long as you are open minded and your only goal is to make them feel better in this situation. Stand by them, support them, be their safe place.

So you can drag me through hell
if it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell
and you can throw me to the flames.

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