• Chapter 5: Highway to Hell •

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Life is a mixture of random innuendos, unexpected events, both good and bad; no one can actually prepare us for what might or might not happen. They say that there's a little good even in the worst things, but we just always tend to see the bad, rather than the good, because it makes us feel a certain way.

No one can predict the future and no one can stop time. Even if we sometimes wish we had that kind of power.

"Did you think of what I told you yesterday?" Meredith interrupted Lexie's thoughts, when she walked by in the hallway. Lexie was nervously clutching a folder close to her chest, concentrating on her breathing, completely ignoring her sister.


"Oh, hey Meredith, didn't see you there," she nervously replied, and looked down. Meredith carefully observed her behaviour and noticed how nervous she was.

"Give me that folder, Lex. I'll take care of it," she offered. "Don't let this nervousness get the best of you."

"I have to give it to Bailey..." Lexie replied shortly and clutched the folder even harder. "And I am not nervous at all."

"The way you're acting tells me otherwise," Meredith commented and crossed her arms on her chest. "Besides, you are wearing your scrubs backwards."

Lexie looked down at her shirt and muttered something under her breath, handing over the folder to her older sister with a quick gesture. She didn't even realize how nervous she was, until Meredith pointed it out. She quickly fixed her scrubs and looked into her sister's eyes.

"Listen, I'll give this to Bailey. You go and have a glass of water, collect yourself and do your work, alright?" Meredith suggested and placed her hand on her sister's shoulder. "Put Mark aside for a second and focus."

Lexie nodded and watched her sister walk down the hallway, until she made disappeared around the corner. She quickly tightened her ponytail and walked into an unoccupied on-call room, sat on the bed and quietly sighed.

She knew Meredith was right, she had to focus. The lives of others were in her hands and in the hands of all other doctors there. She could not afford to be lousy and careless, because of the misfortune in her love life, no matter how upset she was about it.

She came up with a plan and decided to confront Mark after her shift was over. She was already prepared and knew exactly what she was going to say to him and hoped for the best. She was done playing his ridiculous, pointless games, which just always seemed to lead to heartache and disappointment.

She stood up, stronger and determined, with a slight smile on her face. The nervousness had disappeared and she was ready to get back to work. She walked out of the on-call room and proceeded towards the whiteboard, to check her schedule for that day. She was carefully reading, trying to spot her name, she saw her sister's initials, but couldn't find her own.

Her eyes had scanned the whole board, before she finally found her name, on the very bottom.

At 4pm she had a scheduled surgery, with no one else than Mark Sloan himself. She quietly cursed under her breath and turned away from the board, feeling slightly nauseous afterwards.

"Just my luck..."

For the rest of her day, Lexie was trying to keep herself busy in the ER, tried to help around as much as possible, just to keep her mind off the upcoming surgery, until it was finally time to go upstairs and perform the surgery.

As she was carefully scrubbing her hands, she heard footsteps from behind her and didn't even bother turning around.


She remained focused.


After she was done scrubbing in, she simply walked out of the scrub room without saying another word and held her hands up, until a nurse helped her put on sterile gloves, when she entered the OR.

There were many things going through Lexie's head, but she didn't let them show.
She was just thinking.

I'm on the highway to hell.

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