{2} Helping each other

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UniKitty's POV

I get out of my bed, very slowly, knowing it's Sunday, that is 'the cleaning day'. Rick doesn't allow me and Puppycorn to have any more 'lazy Sundays' and instead we have to spend the whole day cleaning our mess.
I walk in the hallway, still half asleep. I make my way to the kitchen "Good morning.." I say as I yawn. "Oh good morning, UniKitty!" Dr. Fox exclaims. "Morning sis! Uh you don't look so well.." says Puppycorn with concern. "Princess, did you not sleep well?" asks Richard. "Huh? No, I'm totally fine guys, don't you worry about me! Now, what's for breakfast?" I say, changing the subject. To be honest, I didn't sleep too much last night. What he did in the car yesterday still surprises me.. "Rick just made some pancakes," answers Dr. Fox. "Here you go." Richard says, putting down a plate of pancakes. "After you finish, don't forget to do your chores. That goes for you too, Puppycorn." Rick says and leaves the room. 'Well, might as well get on with it' I say in my head and start eating.

After I finished my breakfast, I left the room and looked for Richard since he's the one with cleaning supplies. I looked all over the castle but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find him. "Hm and here I thought you weren't good at hide 'n seek," I say and decide to go look outside as well. First I go to the Unikingdom's pool, where we swim all summer. I take a good look at my surroundings but I couldn't spot him anywhere. 'Come to think of it, I haven't seen any of my friends around the castle either! Where could they all be?' I get outside of the castle and look in the garden as well. 'No sign of them.' I go back inside and go to the lab, which is the last place in this whole castle that I haven't checked yet.
I reach the door to the lab. Locked. I look around for another way to get in. I spot a vent. 'Bingo.' I get rid of the cover and crawl inside. In a few minutes I succeed in finding a way in. I fly out of the vent but.. there's still no sign of anyone in here. Well except for the robots. They seem to be cleaning the lab. I sigh and go back to my room. But then I thought of something. "What if they're in Frown town?"I immediately go get my car and make my way to Frown town. I look around from the sky, trying to spot anything that isn't in dark colors. I couldn't see that well, since it was cloudy. I go back to the road and start driving towards the apartment Master Frown and Brock live.

Master Frown's POV

Brock and I were just spending our Sunday in peace watching some TV and eating snacks. "See, I told you that the blind date would work out. Now lets get back to the movies- which one should we watch first-" Brock was cut off by a knock on the door. "I'll get it," he said, getting up. He goes in front of the door and opens it. To my surprise she was standing in the doorway. "Oh hey UniKitty! What's up?" Brock immediately greeted the stupid rainbow cat. "Hey Brock! So, I was just wondering if you've seen any of my friends, I can't find them anywhere!" she pouted. "Probably cause you're too stupid to spot them," I quietly say to myself. "No, we haven't seen anyone here.. did you check all around the castle?" he asked. "Yes! Everywhere!! And I still didn't find them.." she answered Brock question, saying the last part sadly. "Did you see them in the morning?" he continued to ask questions. "Yes, but after I finished breakfast, I couldn't find them anywhere!" she said. "Oh.. well, I wish I could help you but I need to be somewhere in 10 minutes," he lied. "But Master Frown isn't busy! He could help you, right?" he said, obviously planing to get me and princess 'giggles' alone together. "Really?? I'd really appreciate if you did, Master Frown!" she said, full of hope of getting my help. "...ugh, fine!" I agreed to get out of this situation.We got outside and went in her car.

In about 5 minutes we were in the Unikingdom, in front of the Unicastle. "You said you looked everywhere in the castle?" I asked to make sure. "Yup, sure did." she said in return. "Well have you tried looking outside?" "Of course, all around the castle," "No- not that. I mean outside, like all around the kingdom," I said back at her. She gasped "I haven't even thought about that! You're right, Master Frown!" she said, while starting the car and driving. We weren't even driving a minute, when we found them. "Oh hey UniKitty!" Dr. Fox said casually. "I was looking all over for you guys! Why did you go here without telling me where you were going?? I even searched Frown town for you!" princess 'of stupidity' told them, very much frustrated. "We didn't realize it was gonna take us so long- to buy new supplies for cleaning around the castle," Richard said. "Yeah, we ran out," Dr. fox added. "Oh, thank gosh, you got me so worried!" UniKitty sighed. "Also, princess, why is Master Frown with you?" Rick asked. "Oh, were you guys on another date?" Puppycorn asked, clearly teasing princess 'giggles'. "W- what?! No! Of course not! Pshhh, what are you talking about?" She said in her defense, blushing along with me. "Well, now that we found you, we'll be on our way! Bye bye!!" she quickly said and drove off towards the castle.

UniKitty's POV

'That was so embarrassing, thank god I got out of it!' I thought to myself, while driving towards the Unicastle. But then I remembered that Master Frown is with me too. "Oh right, Master Frown, do you need a ride to Frown town?" I asked him. "Nah, it's fine, I'll walk," he said. "Huh, but isn't that pretty far? Honestly I don't mind giving you a ride home, it's no big deal at all!" I insisted. 'Besides, the longer I'll take, the less I'll have to clean..! Actually, if we do go on a date, it would take us all day, just like yesterday- and then I won't have to clean at all!' I thought to myself. "Hey, um Master Frown? Would you mind helping me with something?" I asked. "Ugh, what now?" he said, probably annoyed. "I was just wondering if you'd like to um spend another day with me..?" I say nervously. "You- you mean like yesterday?" he asks. "Yeah, like that.." I say, blushing.

Master Frown's POV

'Wait, actually.. if I go on a date with her, I won't have to watch a movie with Brock! He isn't gonna rent any good movies- he never does- and this is my chance to skip it!' I think to myself. "You know, consider today being a lucky day for you. I will go on a date with you," I say, trying not to blush. "R- really? Okay, just gotta tell Rick, that I won't be cleaning today!" she exclaims happily, pulling her phone out. I do the same, texting Brock. 'This is gonna be fun.'

Here's the second part! Enjoy!

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