{8.1} Valentine's party

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UniKitty's POV

'Okay okay, don't panic, it's gonna be fine, he's gonna come here, we're gonna have fun, AND we're absolutely not bringing up last week-' I thought to myself while waiting for Master Frown to arrive in front of the castle. I was walking in circles for a few more minutes, until Master Frown pulled over in his car right by me. 'Oh thank god, he's on time!' I let out a sigh of relief and walk up to his car. "Heya Master Frown!" I say happily. "Hey," he says in my response. He steps outside his car. I told him to come earlier than the party started, so we'll have no trouble avoiding the crowd- half of the kingdom's gonna be here.
We go inside and I go upstairs to my room, so I can get dressed while Master Frown went to go borrow a proper suit from Hawkodille. 'I need to find the perfect dress, but which one..?' I look through my wardrobes trying to find a nice dress- well all dresses are nice but, you know what I mean. At last I find a sparkly purple dress and I decide I'm gonna wear that one. 'It's perfect!' I think as I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside my room and walk downstairs. 'The decorations are coming together nicely.' I look across the room- there are red banners that spell 'Valentine's party!', a lot of red and pink hearts on the walls and on the left side of the room is a long table with many, many chairs. "Ah, princess, there you are!" Rick greets me. "Oh hey Rick, didn't see ya there!" I say back. "What do you think of the decorations?" Rick asks me. "They're great! It really brings the whole valentine's thing together!" I answer. "Oh, good, we spent hours preparing all of this," Rick says and sighs with relief.
"We're back!" Hawkodille says behind me. "Oh hi Hawkodille!" I say and as I turn around I see Master Frown- blushing..? "Um, Master Frown, are- are you okay..?" I ask carefully. He looks at me and then back away "I'm fine," he stated, blushing even more. 'I was officially confused. "Well, keep doing a good job here guys, I need to go- over some stuff with Master Frown, bye!" I quickly say, grabbing his shoulder and going towards my room.
We step inside and I close the door behind us. "Master Frown, could you please tell me what's wrong?" I ask politely and sounding a little concerned. He keeps looking down, still blushing. "You- you look way too cute in that dress," he says quickly, and after realizing what he said, he covers his face, blushing even more. I blush a little, but I try to play it cool, so it won't be that awkward "Aww, thanks Master Frown!" Like I said, I tried to make it not awkward.

After that, we agreed to never speak of it again and waited for the party to start. In 20 minutes Richard called for us to get ready. We immediately went downstairs and sat down at the table. Of course, I sat on a throne- the one I use for 'Problem fixy day', because why not. We made room for Master Frown to seat beside me.
"Princess, it's almost time," Rick reminded me and I focused my attention towards the main entrance. Master Frown did the same and in a minute we opened the doors. Citizens of the UniKingdom- mostly people I stay in tough with the most- were already waiting there. They started walking inside and it got crowded in no time. Everyone took a seat, while Richard did role call to make sure nobody was missing. When he finished he stepped in the middle of the room "Welcome everyone, we will start in a minute just everybody sit down," he said. Then the tiny robots came inside and started giving out our special valentine's cookies- they were red-pink and shaped like hearts, they were also filled with chocolate cream. "I love these cookies!" I say as I get one. Master Frown gets one too and just blankly stares at it. "Ugh, I can't even look at it, it's shinny," he says, angered. "Aww cmon, can't you just appreciate a cookie?" I ask him. "Yes, but not this kind!" he argues. I kinda disappointingly look away into the wall and sigh.

Master Frown's POV

It's only been 3 minutes since the party started and I already made her sigh. 'Damn it. I guess I was right all along, I couldn't keep that promise I made with Brock not one hour ago- I cannot keep her happy for the rest of the party.' I look at the cookie again- oh sorry- I try  to look at the cookie again 'Well, a cookie is a cookie I guess and it does have chocolate cream in it,' I think, trying to consider eating it. 'Well fuck it' I say and bite a part of the cookie. 'Hmm it's not that bad actually..' I notice her looking at me with hope in her eyes, just waiting for an opinion. "Well, I guess it's not that bad," I say while rolling my eyes. "See, now you're getting it!" she says happily and takes a bite from her cookie as well.

Then, suddenly, music started playing. But it wasn't what you'd call 'party music'. More like something romantic, music you would dance to slowly. Immediately after the music started, couples began to stand up and started dancing. UniKitty was exited as ever.. "You didn't tell me dancing was included," I quietly say, leaning closer to her so she could hear me. "Oh, right.. um it's a tradition that every year each on of us has to dance at dance least once.. I completely forgot to tell you..*nervous laugh*" she explains. "Um, do you even know how to do a slow dance..?" she asks, sounding very nervous. "Well, as a matter of fact I do, we learned in school, right?" I reply. "Oh, I didn't go to a public school so I didn't learn that there," she states. 'Right.' "Then, can we get over with it?" I ask her. "Uh- yes, I would gladly dance with you, Master Frown," she says louder than before. I now realize that everyone's watching us, so I go with the flow. I put my hand in front of her and she takes it. I then lead her to the dance floor and we get in position. As we did that everyone was cheering and clapping which made us both blush. We start to dance.

Hope you enjoyed!

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