{3} Second date into a disaster

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UniKitty's POV

'Here we go' I said to myself while trying to drive through the kingdom. I had to make sure we wouldn't run into the others again. "So, where do you wanna go first?" I ask him. He took a second to think. "What about that show you said you wanted to see yesterday- but we didn't get to cause the tickets were sold out..?" he suggested, saying the last part quieter. "Oh, yeah, there's still a show today, I forgot! *giggles* Silly me!" I said. I really wanted to see that show, but we were too late.
I drive us too the corner of the Unikingdom, to a big 'tent'. Inside they were showing lots of magic tricks! I love magic!! I got over to the girl, who was selling tickets. "Excuse me, could I get two tickets, please?" I asked politely. "Oh of course, UniKitty!" she said, giving me two tickets. "Thank you, bye!" I say as I return to my car. "Did you get them?" he asked me. "Yup, here you go!" I say, handing him a ticket. He looks at it "The show starts in 2 hours. Well, best find something else to do while waiting," he says. "Oh- um, is it okay if we get cake?" I ask him. 'Oh, why did I stutter??' I angrily ask myself. "Yeah, sure," he says, rather bored. I mentally slap myself 'I forgot he's not a big fan of sweet things'.
I awkwardly drive to my favorite cafe in the Unikingdom. We go inside and wait for the waitress. 'This cafe is way fancier than I remember..' I thought as I looked around to see very luxury red couches and chairs. The waitress comes and takes our order- my order. Master Frown wasn't in the mood for anything sweet right now, but he told me that I should enjoy my cake, since I wanted one. In other words he's fine with me eating sweet things, because I like them a lot. I blushed at the thought.

Master Frown's POV

'She sure loves sweet things, but she wasn't so sure about ordering.. did she realize I don't like sweet stuff? I thought she knew that, I mean it's obvious, isn't it?' I thought as I waited for her to finish eating that sparkly cake. She was done in a minute- looked like she was in a hurry to- but after that, we decided to go to the river by the Unicastle. "Oh don't worry, they won't see us," was her answer when I asked if there was any chance of her friends seeing us there. 'Doubtful'.
Afterwards we went to see that magic show and she was really excited about it. I mean, I guess there were some good magic tricks. Later on, the whole day want by as if it was a second. We had some fun, well she was having a blast, but it all came down to this last thing she wanted to do. Surprisingly, there was a firework show scheduled for tonight and of course she wanted to see it. It was already like 9:30pm, but she insisted I stayed and watched it with her.
"Hey, Master Frown, where do you think it'd be the best spot to watch the fireworks?" she asked, all exited. "Well, I don't know, the Unicastle's on the highest hill of Unikingdom so.." I say, rather bored and annoyed. "Oh, right! But my friends might see us.." she said deep in thought. "Isn't a little too late to worry about that? I mean, what would you be doing this late at night, running 'some sort of errands', huh?" I say what I thought was obvious. "Right.." she said a little disappointed. "Ugh, well, you already dragged me here, so might as well get on with this," I said, for some reason trying not to make her sad. "O- okay, let's go.." she said, putting on a fake smile. She drove us to the castle and tried her best not to make too much noise while parking her car. 'All the lights are out inside the castle.. That's weird.' I suspiciously think to myself. She, on the other hand, doesn't even realize it. We carry on and quietly walk straight into the castle. We go upstairs but then she stops and says "It's really quiet in here, even for this hour.." 'Now you realize??' I think, annoyed. Not moving an inch, she looks around us. 'She looks frightened'. I do the same. 'It's so dark in here, gives me the creeps'. We then continue walking upstairs until we reach the roof. She sits herself down on the edge and so do I. There was a few minutes of awkward silence, but then she breaks it "M-master Frown.. why did you even come on a date with me if you don't like being around me..?" she said with tears in her eyes. 'Crap'. "Look, we both did this to get out of something we didn't want to do, right? And our first date was a blind date, we didn't know we were gonna going on a date together," I say nervously. "But then, Why did you kiss me??" she said, crying. "I- we were in the moment, you leaned in too!" I continued to give excuses, blushing. She looked away, staring down at the grass. I looked away as well. Then, suddenly, the fireworks went of into the sky. We both looked up at them.

UniKitty's POV

'The fireworks are so pretty! But now the moment is ruined.. Ugh, why did I bring up yesterday's date?? ... I need to stop crying. I need to be strong!" I say in my head. I tried to enjoy the fireworks, but I just couldn't, when knowing we were on bad terms. I was about to leave, but Master Frown got up first and headed for the exit. "I need to go. It's getting late.." he said and closed the door on the roof. I wait for him to leave, then I do the same myself. I go downstairs, straight to my room. I flop on my bed and go to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already Monday morning and the sun was brightly shinning through my window. I yawn and stretch, getting off my bed. Surprisingly, I slept well but I was still a bit tired from yesterday.. All that searching around the kingdom and going on a date with Master Frown.. 'Maybe it would've been better if I just stuck to my chores..' I think while walking downstairs. On the way I greet Hawkodille, Dr. Fox and my little bro! I finally to the kitchen, where Rick awaited me. "Good morning, princess," he said. "Good morning to you too, Rick!" I say as cheerful as possible. "Well you seem to be in a good mood today. So, may I know what errands you had yesterday, that prevented you from helping us to clean the castle?" he said, getting straight to the point. "Oh uhh, I- umm.." I say, trying to think of an excuse. "No need for your excuses princess, just tell me the truth," he said. 'How did he know?!' "I- I went.. I went on another date with Master Frown," I say, surrendering. "Thought so," he replied. "Well, how did it go?" he asked all curios. "Oh- um.. *sighs* It was a disaster." I admit.

Hi, it's me again! Hope you enjoy this as well!

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