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Bucky slowly opens his eyes, adjusting his sight and hearing at the same time. The faint and distant continuous ringing of the alarm clock gradually becomes louder and crispier by the second until Bucky can't take it anymore. He finally sits up and turns it off. It's six o'clock in the morning. He glances at the windows and sees light through the curtains.

It's been a week since their meeting with Fury and still no word. Bucky tries not to worry or think of it too much. Secret-keeping maybe Fury's single most expertise but not lying. He just doesn't tell you everything so he technically doesn't lie. He may have to lie occasionally but Bucky doubts that Fury would lie to them, to Steve, when he agreed to the idea of hiring Bucky as an agent, not if he wants to stay in Steve's good graces.

Bucky gets up, puts on a shirt and running shoes. He emerges from his bedroom and into the hallway. The second floor of the house has three bedrooms and two baths. Across his bedroom is Steve's. To his left is a bathroom and to his right is the rest of the hallway that leads to the third room, which is the master suite with its own bath, and then finally the stairs. Steve's not yet done replacing the master's old carpet with new floorboards and he has yet to fix the plumbing of the master bath. It was the room that needed the most repair and Steve was more than happy to take the other lesser bedroom.

Bucky crosses the hallway towards Steve's door to see if he's ready for their morning run. He lightly knocks.

"Steve, you up?"

No answer. Bucky knocks again and still no answer. Bucky finds it weird because Steve usually wakes up earlier than him, earlier than his alarm clock, so this worries Bucky a little. He finally turns the knob and slowly opens the door.

"Ste --,"

Bucky stops and freezes as soon as he steps through the door. A wave of confusion, panic and delightful surprise simultaneously crash on him at the sight of Steve's bed. Someone's asleep in it alright, but it's not a blonde man with a muscular frame, it's a woman with red curls, long slender neck that curves into graceful shoulders.

What the hell? Bucky asks himself. His eyes dart around the room, trying to figure out what's happening or what he's supposed to do. He notices a bag full of clothes by the foot of the bed, a black, leather jumpsuit lies on the couch by the dresser along with a utility belt and a pair of black boots. Then there, by the bedside stand are two holsters, each with a Gloc in it.

Bucky brings his attention back to the redhead and finds her still asleep. He didn't think she's a deep sleeper but here she is, lying on her side, the sheets covering her all the way to her chest, one hand over it and one under her pillow, and snoring softly. Bucky can't help but smile but it quickly disappears as he realizes something. Where is Steve? Did he ---

Bucky turns around and quietly walks out of the room, not bothering to close the door. As he reaches the stairs, his tiptoes turn into a jog and rushes downstairs. Both the living room and kitchen are empty.

"Steve?" Bucky softly calls out. He proceeds to Steve's office/ workshop and barges in without knocking.

Steve, who is sleeping on the couch, bolts right up, full alert and ready with his fists. But seeing it's only Bucky, lowers his arms and rubs his eyes with the heel of his palms.

"She's here?!" Bucky exclaims, his eyes twinkling with excitement and confusion at the same time. He's not even sure if it was a question or a statement. Steve stands up and motions him to keep it down.

"Shhhh, Buck, you'll wake her up," Steve says, calming him down.

Bucky dials his volume down into a whisper but still sounds hysterical, "Natalia's sleeping there! On your bed! What is going on?"

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