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Steve waits patiently as he looks back at forth at Bucky and Natasha. He was too excited and happy this morning when they arrived that he didn't notice anything else other than the fact that they're back home in one piece, which were the only two things he was praying for the whole time they were gone.

Steve is just now remembering and realizing the things he missed earlier --- Bucky's indifference to Natasha's surprise and then there was Natasha's trembling body when they hugged. It finally hits him that Natasha's hug did feel different, it felt like it's a cry for help. Steve assumed they were just exhausted why they were acting like that but now that Bucky and Natasha's face to face, Steve has realized that things are not good between them. He leans back in his chair and relaxes his hands on his lap to appear less imposing in hopes it will be much easier for the two to open up. It's Natasha who breaks the silence.

"It was supposed to be just recon. Watch the exchange, tag the new target with the item, report to Fury and wait for new orders," Natasha says calmly, her green eyes connecting with Steve's blue ones. "But the Feds crashed the party, made arrests and secured the item."

"So, it was not the ending you've planned but still a good one, right? I'm sure Fury looks at it that way too. So, what seems to be the problem?"

"It turned out that the first target was an undercover agent who made plans with the Feds who in turn decided not to inform Fury," Bucky adds, his eyes never leaving Natasha. He's leaning back on his chair now, tipping it backwards wobbling on its back legs as his hands contemptuously crossed on his chest.

"I still don't see what the ---,"

"She knew!" Bucky exclaims and stands up, almost knocking the chair to the floor, taking Steve by surprise. "She knew he was undercover and didn't tell me!" Somewhere in Bucky's head is an ashamed version of himself because this is not how he imagined this conversation would be like. But it is what it is now because he lost his cool.

Steve looks back at Natasha and meets her green eyes again. He can see and he is sure Natasha's stone wall is now up and she has just pushed all her emotions behind it. He admits, the cold detached Natasha is his least favorite version of her. He can also tell that she's deliberately addressing only him because Bucky's too agitated to be reasoned with.

He doesn't verbally asks her but he and Natasha have been in this situation many times before that she knows exactly what he is asking with that particular look in his eyes and arched eyebrows.

"Yes," Natasha says flatly. "He is undercover and if things went the way we planned, he would just be walking away from the place and he'd slip back into his anonymity and whatever safety net the Feds arranged for him and we, we would be focused on our new targets. There was no way I could have known he has made a deal with the Feds."

Steve keeps his eyes on hers and relaxes to see truth from them. He is thankful and proud at the same time to be one of the few people on earth who can sort the truths from Black Widow's lies. After a few moments, Steve nods, convinced. Bucky doesn't see it because Natasha's facing Steve, but she gives Steve a small, quick smile of thanks before slowly standing up.

"I'll be in my room," she softly says to Steve and lays a hand on his shoulder before heading for and disappearing above the stairs.

"She can't just walk away like that," Bucky complains.

"Sit down, Buck and please calm down."

Bucky lets out a huge sigh and obeys. "I am calm, okay?"

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