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Bucky raises his hands in defeat, releases an exasperated sigh as he slumps back on the driver seat, shaking the car a bit. Good thing the Feds are still having a field day below that they didn't notice it. Bucky is starting to get angry at himself for being a fool, thinking that things are starting to look up for him. But no. His first mission as Bucky Barnes is a bust, thanks to the woman he trusted to be on his side.

"For the record, there's only one detail I kept from you," Natasha says.

"Oh, just one. How nice," Bucky says with sarcasm.

"David Moss is an undercover agent for the FBI," Natasha blurts out.

"Oh, now you're willing to share. A little late, don't you think?"

Natasha rolls her eyes and gives up explaining because he is obviously too mad to actually listen. 

Bucky watches from his seat as Natasha tries to control her own temper now, her eyes ahead watching the mess below. Good thing Bucky realizes that he is badly handling the crisis right now. Yes, he still believes he is the wronged party, but he admits that he reacted poorly, especially when Natasha made an effort to explain. So he becomes civil and breaks the silence.

"Is he a cop? And what did Fury mean when he said Moss would be taken care of?"

"No, he's a real lawyer. The Feds turned him and I don't think Fury knows he's undercover," Natasha replies coldly, eyes still ahead. "That's why I jumped into his case so I can keep an eye on him too. I don't know what Fury meant by what he said and I don't usually ask when he says that because he would have told us if he wanted us to know."

"So the Feds double-crossed Fury?"

"I wouldn't say it like that. Neither Fury nor the FBI share action plans with each other anyway. So there is a huge probability that the Feds don't even know we're here. Moss must have given them enough push to go with it. Moss is good, I'll give him that."

"How come?"

"Fury would have foreseen this if he had even the slightest whiff of who Moss really is. But he didn't, which means Moss has outwit and outdone the guy."

"So how come you know who he is?"

"I had an informant years ago who before we shipped overseas with a new identity, entrusted me with a list of names he thinks I need to keep an eye on. I cross-referenced each and found David Moss. And before you ask, no, Fury doesn't know about the list."

"Why didn't you tell you him or at least talked about Moss before we left?" Bucky says. Natasha turns to him and sees that he may sound and look civil, he is still angry inside.

"He is undercover, James. The fewer who knows about him, the more chances he has of surviving out there. I was hoping he'd walk away safely tonight and then make plans with Fury, like arranging something for him in southeast Asia where he can sit by the beach and drink coco water all day. I guess that plan is busted too."

"Maybe he'd still want that."

"No. It's too late now. The Feds most definitely offered him something already in exchange for --- this," Natasha says and points at the mass arrest going on in front of them.

Bucky finally sits up and looks down at the clearing. He can't believe his first assignment is a bust and he is sitting in a piece of junk. He glances at Natasha and sees she is wringing her fingers with a defeated look on her face. She is angry too --- at herself.

"I'm not mad, Natalia."

"I know, but you're disappointed and that's worse."

"For the record, I'm not disappointed because my first assignment's a total disaster, I'm disappointed that you still can't seem to trust me."

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