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They've been driving for an hour now and almost halfway through their trip. Bucky realizes how far- flung Steve's house is from the city and wonders what made Steve decide to live in seclusion.

"Can you open those sandwiches?" Natasha asks from behind the wheel.

Bucky rummages through the paper bag Steve gave them earlier and sees four peanut butter jelly sandwiches. He opens and hands Natasha one. He suddenly realizes he is hungry too, so he opens one for himself.

"We should get you a phone," Natasha says while chewing on her sandwich. She rarely takes her eyes off the road to glance at Bucky.

"Sure. It'll be handy for work."

"Not just for work, silly," Natasha smirks.

"And who would I call when I'm not working? You, Steve, and I will be at the house anyway."

"T'Challa, Shuri... I'm sure they'd be happy to hear from you," Natasha says and Bucky smiles in agreement. "You can call Sam, too."

"What for?" Bucky asks, finding the idea ridiculous and unnecessary .

"Don't be like that, James. I happen to think you two can actually get along pretty well. You just have to give it a chance," Natasha explains.

"I guess," Bucky replies softly, realizing the possibility of the idea. "Sure, I'll call him when I get a phone."

"Let's call him now," Natasha says and even before Bucky can protest, he already hears Sam's voice on the other end of the line. Natasha has him on speed dial.

"Hey! How's my favorite Widow doing?" Sam asks cheerfully.

"You know I'm always fantastic, Sam," Natasha replies in her usual teasing tone. "Someone here wants to talk to you."

Bucky shoots Natasha a glare, his eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief. Natasha glares back at him, telling him to man up.

"Who?" Sam asks. "Is Steve there with you?"

"Ahmmmm... no. It's another 100-year old man but, no, not Rogers," Bucky says nervously.

"Oh, you," Sam says and continues, "how are you doing, man?"

Bucky swears he heard a slight disappointment in Sam's voice but decides to ignore it. He purses his lips before responding, "You know, okay, I guess." Bucky notices Natasha glancing at him every few seconds. He meets her eyes this time and receives another encouragement.

"Really? That's it? That's what you got for me?" Sam asks.

Bucky panics a bit, squeezing his brain for something to say. After grasping straws he blurts out, "I'm actually on my way to see Fury."

Natasha looks at him with surprise. When she motioned for him to keep talking, she didn't mean to talk about that. Not that there's anything wrong sharing the news with Sam, she trusts him. She is just concerned what and how Sam's reaction will affect Bucky. She grips the steering wheel a bit tighter as she waits.

Sam is silent for a few seconds that it makes Bucky uncomfortable. Bucky looks at Natasha accusingly, blaming her that it was a bad idea to talk to Sam in the first place. Natasha rolls her eyes at him.

"Look, you probably think it's a bad idea ---,"Bucky finally breaks the awkward silence.

"I didn't say that, man," Sam says.

"But what do you think?"

Sam goes silent again for a while then says, "I don't know what to think of it, but I hope that it will help you."

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