Angel Academy

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Chapter 1: Nicole

I stared at the clock. Just to prove it-this does not make time movie faster. Only 10 times slower. 2:50. 10 more minutes. Ugh. I stared at the back of the girl in front of me's head. Too big? Yes. Too tangled? Yes. Too descriptive? YES. This is what always runs through my mind during the last 10 minutes of the school day. Why? I'm just an 8th Grader staring at the back of someone's head. Why did I choose the seat behind Linda, the tallest girl in my grade? I almost felt sorry for myself. I checked the clock. 10:52. Better.

"And THAT'S how you calculate the area of-"

I zoned out once again and started doodling on my notebook, which was not only covered with various pictures and drawings, but it also contained some of my best kept secrets. I doodled my name, Nicole, for the millionth time. 10:53. How long did it take me to draw-

The teacher, Ms. Lerana, cleared her throat loudly. I sat up. Whenever she did that it always meant she would stop actually teaching us and would change the subject,

"As you may already know, the Halloween Dance is next week, and I'm hoping you shall all attend. It will be our first dance of the year and if you come in a costume you will have free admission to the dance.

A few kids in the back groaned. Dance? Sounded interesting. We didn't have one last year because of budget cuts. I started racking up costume ideas in my brain.

Witch? Too common.

Devil? That's like saying you're evil, so no.

Vampire? Thanks to Twilight, you could simply paint your face more pale, and that isn't a costume.

After a few more ideas that were too embarrassing to list here, I was saved by the bell. I literally dashed out of the classroom in a few seconds. I speed walked to locker 375, my locker. Of course Ash (Ashley) was standing right beside it. Ash had P.E. last period twice a week, and her P.E. teacher always let her students have 5 minutes at the end of every period to change back into normal clothing. She spent 1 minute dressing and rushed back to my locker in 3 minutes.

"Hey Nick," she smiled her always perfect smile back at me. I smiled back.

Ash was my OFF (Only Friend Forever.) We met in grade 2. Back then, I was the kind of girl who never had a true friend. I always tagged along with groups of other people, like if someone was playing tag, I'd simply ask if I could play. People almost always say yes (Emphasis on the ALMOST.) Ash was a new girl who moved to our small town of Watsprings (Stupid name. Why did they name it that again?) When her Dad got a job transfer. She always kept to herself and never talked to anyone. One day when I was hiding in a game of Hide-and-go-seek. She was digging in-a suitcase? I was really curious, so I walked up to her and said-

"Hi. What are you doing?"

Her petite blonde head perked up from the bag. "Nothing."

I was turned off by this comment, but I continued trying, "Fine. Then what's in the suitcase?"


I almost gave up trying, but then she took out a skinny blonde doll in a pink sundress. "Barbie?" I smiled. I never really was a Barbie fan, but I wasn't surprised. That Barbie doll was wearing the exact same outfit that Ash was wearing.

"Can I play?"

Ash seemed surprised by this comment. After a moment of thinking, she exclaimed, "Sure!"

We had so much fun together. Ash was really creative. We made up so many wacky stories. Right when Barbie was about to solve a murder, the school bell rang.

"Awww," I sighed. I was having so much fun.

She smiled. "That's OK. Want to hang out next recess too?"

I smiled, "Sure!"

And THAT was the beginning. We have been best friends ever since.


"Huh? Oh yeah."

Ash continued talking while I grabbed everything out of my locker. "Did you hear about the Halloween dance?"

I nodded, " Ms.Lerana told me all about it. Sounds fun."

"Just fun? Nick, this could be the biggest moment of our 8th grade lives!"

"You seem over-excited. It's just a dance."

"Yeah but-" she pointed to Ryan, the most popular guy in the school. I rolled my eyes. As far as I know, Ash has had a crush on him since, well, FOREVER.

"Really? That's the reason?"

"I know. This may be stupid, but if I look great in my costume, he'll ask me to dance with him. Long shot, I know, but he IS single. And how do you find that weird? I know you have a crush on De-"

I nudged her. Ok. I have a crush on Dean, Ryan's best friend. He was the kind of guy who was sweet, handsome and talented. He played guitar in the band (I played clarinet.)

I changed the subject, "Hey, want to go to that costume shop downtown? I heard they have a huge selection..."

Thank you for reading. This is my first book on Wattpad, and I'll try to upload every 3 or 4 days. Anyways, this part is an intro of the characters. The story won't kick in for 1 or 2 parts (hopefully next part.) Also, I know there already is a popular story on Wattpad called "Angel Academy," and just to let you know my story is NOTHING like that one. Not even the same idea. So don't say that I copied that story.

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