Chapter 6: The First Day

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Chapter 6:The First Day

The first few hours of the day didn't go exactly as planned-well, as Alice planned. When me and Violet arrived at the history room Alice FREAKED OUT at us. She said she had thought I gotten lost or something, and said she had spent the rest of breakfast trying to find me. Then she yelled at Violet for not coming back and telling her where I was. Violet and Alice started fighting for no reason, and I just awkwardly stood there like I was invisible.

The class itself would have been fine-if only Ivy didn't sit next to me. It was the only spot left, so I had no choice whatsoever. Alice sat on the other side of me of course. Ivy spent the entire time glaring at me, every so often whispering something to Jamie, who sat in front of her. I obviously didn't belong there.

After that was math, then language, then science, then art, then lunch, then some weird subject called "Heaven Studies". Alice informed me that it was the same every day, except that art was traded for music three times a week. The horrible thing? Right before math Alice decided to tell me that all days are weekdays at Angel Academy, and that there are no weekends. That meant school was 7 days a week.

"WHAT? You decide to tell me this now?"

Alice looked frightened, "Sorry! I just-there is still so much you don't even know! Stuff you NEED to know that I can't tell-" she burst into tears and Violet quickly came to the rescue, comforting her and telling her it was fine. Violet told me the directions to the classroom and sent me off alone. Maybe Violet wasn't kidding about mood swings...

Anyways, the rest of the day went fine, even Heaven Studies. Violet was my new tour guide for Heaven Studies. According to her Alice was in a gifted class. The Heaven Studies (I'm just going to call it HS) classroom was more like a lab. It was filled with machines, with students running to and from each one. I knew this probably wasn't something I already learned.

"Ok, first, we've got to go tell Ms. John your here so you can get your assignment."

"Ok-wait an assignment?"

Violet nodded "Don't worry. You've got until you graduate to finish. That's why Alice is in a gifted class. She finished it her first year here-two years ago. That's also part of the reason she's got that weird power. We get one eventually..."

"You mean, I can tell what people want too?"

"No, that's very rare. That's why everyone adores her. She's got one of the rarest powers. She's practically reserved a spot in heaven because of it. Most people get something not as cool like being able to bend water or control electricity or something. It's random."


Ms. John was sitting at a WHITE desk talking to a couple of students who were holding a WHITE remote of some sort.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure what's wrong with it. So you were saying you couldn't get the machine to turn on?"

One of the girls talking to her responded, "No. We've been trying for ten minutes, but it still won't work."

"Well, did you try pressing the red button on the bottom of the machine? I think your problem is the remote being broken, not the machine itself. Try again and come back if it still won't turn on," she waved the students off.

"Oh, hello Violet! How are you and Alice doing? I haven't seen Alice in a while, because of the gifted class. I heard her power is getting very strong-"

Violet cut her off, "Yeah, she's fine. Anyways, this is Nicole. She's new and she needs her assignment."

"It's fine Violet. I know her already. I helped with her operation," Ms. John smiled warmly at me, "So, Nicole, how's your first day been?"

"Fine." The perfect response when talking to either teachers or parents.

"Ok! So before you start, here's what you've got to read and fill out to start. Good luck! Violet will tell you what to do afterwards." She smiled, handed me a few papers and turned to another student who needed help.

Violet led me to a white room filled with tables. There was nobody else in there.

"Ok! Now fill out the ENTIRE form and read it. Make sure you read ALL of the instructions. At the end of class I'll check back on you," and with that, Violet ran to a machine just outside of the room.

"Ok, let's just get this over with," I sighed to myself.

I read the first paper-

Dear Nicole

Hello! As you may already know, you're here to get a better afterlife and to continue your studies from the mortal world. Many will be chosen during graduation to continue onto heaven. To be chosen, you MUST-

#1. Maintain a B average

#2. Complete your assignment

#3. Figure out your power/talent

#4. Respect all other students and teachers


The assignment is simple. You must become a guardian angel to someone of your same age and gender. You shall be assigned to one after filling out the form. This person has a problem. You shall watch over this assigned person, figure out their problem, solve the problem using your power (if found) or the machines available and write a report describing how you solved their problem. You will be working on it during your HS period everyday. After that you will be placed in a gifted class to find and enhance your power. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. John. Good luck!


The other papers were forms, asking for things such as where I lived before Angel Academy and if I've had and seizures or (Huh?) any major health issues before.The next page was better. It asked things like what bands, websites or movies I liked. I was just finished when the bell rang and Alice came skipping in.

"Yay! Your done! You just need to hand it in to Ms. John and you'll be set!" she exclaimed.

"Um, yay?" I didn't know weither to be excited or horrified.

"Sorry. You don't know how to feel. Don't worry! The project is fine. Some people can be harder than others though. Violet got a girl who seems perfect in everyway."

"Who did you get?"

"A girl who's father got lost. Everyone that lived in her village was searching for weeks. Turned out he was hunting, got lost and survived in the forest, eating nothing but plants and trail mix. I helped find him." Alice held her head high like it was an achievement, "I got an A."

I rolled my eyes, "Can we just go back to my room?"

"Ok, but we've got dinner at 6. I'll meet you back at your room then."

And with that, I gave my form back to Ms. John and Alice and I headed back to my room. The room I'd have to stay in for 4 years. I sighed and sat on my bed.

It was going to be a few very long years,


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