Chapter 10: Power

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"There." Violet quickly typed something on the computer.

"Ok-um, what did you do?" I was confused.

"I turned off the cameras. Ms. John could always replay the footage and see you."

"Can't I just not wear the watch instead?"

"Nope. You have to to use the machine. But don't worry. I'm coming with you."

"Violet, I'm not sure this is-"

"Don't worry. We can use the machine and go back to "earth" all we want. Nobody will catch us unless that camera is on."

"Ok then, what is it you wanted to show me again?"

"Just a minute!" I followed Violet to the nearest machine. She set it up and the white camera popped out of it. "Meet me at the front of the school. If I'm not there just-wait. Ok?"

I yawned and stepped in front of the camera. I was exhausted. I saw a brief flash of light and again, it was all dark.

After a couple of times I realized that everytime I came to the school I always appeared in a closet. This time I was in a closet filled with pencil crayons, paints and finished art projects. Art class. I stumbled to the door, almost tripping over a roll of paper. Thankfully, the door wasn't locked like it usually was 70% of the time. Thank God.

Anyways, the room was dark and creepy. It was extremely messy, with cut up paper and loose pastels everywhere-and a random red splatter on the floor, which freaked me out (it was just paint, obviously, but it looked A LOT like blood, which scared me.) I turned around to close the closet, and right behind me, was a human shaped object carrying what looked like a hammer. In the darkness, I couldn't see what it really was-

-but I still ran out of the classroom in 5 seconds.

I ran all the way to the school entrance, not taking the time to think about why I was so scared of school at night. It was just-creepy. The school was quiet (for once) and it almost felt like it was abandoned. Anyways-

I made it to the school entrance in a record amount of time. Violet was standng there, waiting.

"There you are," I gasped, catching my breathe.

"Shhh. Speak softer. Someone might here us," Violet whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "Violet, nobody can hear us. We can only hear each other."

She bit her lip. "No. Not-really."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how Alice has the ability to sense what other people want and make it come true? Yeah. That's her power. You'll get one too."

"I know. Your point is?"

"This-this is my power. I can make us angels-if that's even the proper word-be seen and heard by mortals. I can interact with them. I can be seen by them-and thus make ANYONE be seen by them. That's why I've been slacking off on my assignment. The girl I'm watching is a student at this school. Her name is Angelina."

Oh yeah-I knew Angelina. She was a smart girl in my grade who all the teachers adored. She had straight As and had been on honor roll for years now. She mainly kept to herself though. There were a few times when Ash and I approached her and tried to talk to her, but she seemed very unsocial-almost like she didn't want any friends at all.

"Yeah. I know her. Go on?"

"Because I can appear to mortals, I was able to communicate to her and become friends with her. I tried to learn more about her, but she was very secretive. She refused to tell me any thing about herself or her family. But, I still try."

"But, what about Ms. John? Can't she watch you?"

"Well, I just turn off the camera on the watch like I did before. Did you know that I know how to disable the watch completely? I did it with mine. I still have to wear it though," she showed me her wrist, "obviously."

"Cool! Can you show me how to do that with mine?"

"Only if you promise to not tell anyone about my power?"

"What? Why? You have to tell Ms. John or else you fail."

"Well, I will. Just AFTER I solve Angelina's problem. Otherwise she'll probably not let me finish the assignment-"

"Because your breaking the rules?"

Her face flushed. "Whatever. I'd probably be expelled and you-know-what-that-means."

"Wait-because I'm your friend, does this mean I can use your power? With your permission of course?"

She nudged me, "Who said I was you friend?"

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean. So, can I?"

She looked unsure, "I don't know. If your caught, you'll be expelled."

"I'll be fine."

"Well, why do you NEED to use my powers?"

Truth be told, I just wanted to use her powers to continue being friends with Ash. ANYTHING. Even if I could just talk to her one more time. She probably wouldn't connect with what I was going through though.

"I just want to be friends with Ash again."

"I'm still not sure. Later. Just not-now. Continue with your assignment, and then we'll see."

"Wow. You sound just like Ms. John now."

"Thanks. I try." Violet said, hopefully sarcastic.

We were about to press the buttons on our watches when I realized something. I quickly stopped Violet just in time.

"Hey! You were the girl at the Halloween Dance!"

"Wait. What?"

"The girl in the witch costume. You gave Ash advice and told me where she was afterwards."

"Um-well-yeah. I had to sneak out early that night to come, but I guess it was sort of worth it..."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, it WAS more fun than I thought it would be."

I grinned, "Anyways, I'm tired. Let's go back to our rooms."


The next day, I could help but think about Violet's power. Right after we left the school she diabled my watch, but I still felt like it wasn't right about keeping it a secret and letting my friend do something that was possibly illegal and counted as cheating. I tried to forget it, but I just couldn't. It was impossible. I actually avoided Violet that day just so I didn't have to talk about it with her. During HS I tried to clear my mind about it and try to finish my assignment- with or without the power to interact with mortals.

I was reminded numerous times about the field trip to the museum on Wednsday. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but on field trips like that nobody ever seems to pay attention anyways. I expected Ash and the volleyball team to talk the entire time.

Yeah, not really...


Ok, so I'm going to try and get the next part up by Sunday-probably before that because I really want to get started on the next part. Anyways, thanks for reading! <3

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