Chapter 8: HS

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Ok, I just wanted to tell you I just planned out the entire story. It has a bittersweet/sad (depending how you look at it) ending, so you have been warned. I'm sort of basing the ending off of one from a very popular fairy tale, which now has a happy ending thanks to rewrittings. You have been warned (awww. Now I just want to finish and post the entire thing.) BTW this story may be shorter than I thought, but still very long. You have been warned AGAIN. Anyways, I hope I didn't spoil anything by telling you that. PLEASE don't review guessing the ending. Just save your prediction untill the end.


The next day was-well, very interesting. Violet used her HS period to help me set up. Of course, we were sent directly to a very large, white machine covered with flashing buttons. I got a headache just looking at it.

"Um, Violet? You sure you know-" it was too late. She was pressing buttons all over the thing, obviously trying to get it over with.

"Got it! You just need to type your input code, then type in your wing's security password. They are both on this card." Violet tossed a plastic card at me. "I got it early so that we wouldn't have to talk to Ms. John."

I examined the card. It was like a driver's license, with my name, picture and room number (rather than address) on it. It also had two 9 digit numbers engraved on it-which I'm guessing was my input code and the security card.

"Ok but-" I wasn't able to finish. A white video camera with a flashing red light on it popped out of the machine.

"Ok! Now just step right in front of the camera. Then your done!"

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. What do I-"

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Violet handed me a watch with a single button on the side. "Just press the button when you want to come back. Good luck!"

"But where am-" Violet practically PUSHED me in front of the machine, "VIO-" it was too late. Violet had disappeared. Was she really such a horrible listener? I mean, she cut me off 5 whole times. Whatever.

It was all dark. Did I do something wrong? I mean, I was supposed to watch Ash. Where was she? What did they exactly mean by watch?

"Hello? Anyone there? Anyone?" I stood there for a moment, waiting for a response. Nope, nobody was there-or at least no one that could hear me.

I waited for a few minutes until I started cursing at myself because I was wasting precious time well-WAITING.

I was about to push the button on the watch Violet gave me when I heard a noise, like somebody walking by,

"Hello? Anyone-" LIGHT. The door (there was a door?) in front of me opened. 'At first I thought it was just luck, until I spotted a janitor-my school's janitor-putting keys in his pocket.

Oh crap. I was dead. Very dead. I hid behind a garbage bin and silently prayed he couldn't see me. He walked in-and moved the garbage bin I was hiding behind. I broke down.

"I'M SORRY!" I looked up, "I didn't mean to!" I waited a moment, wondering if he'd respond. He didn't. Was he deaf?

He looked directly at me. I was scared. If you think janitors aren't scary, you should meet my old school's. He was very pale, and was almost bald (by almost, I mean he still has a few whispy pieces of hair on the top of his head.) His face was covered in spots and wrinkles, he had large bags under his eyes and he was so skinny you could see his ribs until his shirt. He's old enough to retire, but for some reason he refuses to do so because he actually used to go to this school and would be heartbroken if he had to leave. Just proves how old the school is.

Anyways, he didn't see me. He just turned around, grabbed some garbage bags and walked out as if he didn't see me. That was when I realized something. He COULDN'T see me or hear me. I was invisible-or a ghost as some people would say. Luckily, the janitor, or thanks to his name tag, Mr. King left the door open. I ran out jumping and skipping around in the halls. Who cared? Nobody could see me. A couple of teachers walked by at one point and neither of them could see me. It felt amazing.

Before I knew it, the school bell rang. Students ran out of the classrooms. I glanced at my watch. 2:15. Ash had study hall with Mr. Tate. Mr. Tate fell asleep during study hall about 90% of the time, so study hall was mostly used as a free period when students could chat or do whatever they wanted. As long as it was in the classroom of course. I hurried over to room 105, where people were already taking their seats. Ash was sitting with a group of girls from the volleyball team, which was a good thing-I guess. I examined the rest of the classroom. There were so many familiar faces. There was Agnes, the nice and smart girl who was my lab partner. The was Olivia, who was a girl I used to walk to school with. There was Corey, the guy who apparently had a crush on me in grade 6 (but stopped when his secret got out.) And there was Dean. Not much to say about him (you guys had to have read chapters 1 and 2) besides the fact that I probably could have been blushing when I caught his eye. Luckily nobody could see.

There weren't any spots left at Ash's table, unless I sat on someone-which was a no. I had to stand beside her table to hear what they were saying.

Apparently being a "Guardian Angel" ment awkwardly spying on someone and trying to see if their saying anything secretive. It felt weird listening in on someone else's conversation. Ash and her other friends pretty much talked about random stuff. They talked about the newest Harry Potter movie-then argued about weither or not it was good. They talked about clothing, and rated everyone else's outfits in the classroon from 1 to 10 (nobody got a perfect 10. 4 people got 1s.) They talked about music (then listened to a bunch of songs off of an IPod that someone somehow snuck into class.) And finally, they talked about tests (no, they didn't study, they wondered aloud if they were going to fail or not.) When the bell rang, everyone ran out of the classroom-except Dean and Ash. They took their time. Ash wrote something in a book-journal-very quickly before leaving.

I waited until both of them left to push the button on my watch. I instantly appeared in the middle of the HS room beside the machine I was using. Violet, who was using the machine beside me, suddenly appeared right beside me.

"Need help turning it off?" she smiled.

I nodded. Violet simply pushed the big white button on the top of the video camera.

"Ok. Done. Want me to take you back to your room?"

"Sure." Angel Academy was like a maze. I honestly didn't think I could navigate the way back to my room. Ever.

As we walked by Ms. John's desk, Ms. John motioned me over her way.

"Nicole? You know we can watch you, right?"

"What?" I was confused.

"There's a hidden camera in your new watch. Anything that you do appears on my computer."


"First of all, anyone who walked by my desk in between two o'clock to two fifteen could see your little-uh-dance through the halls."

My face felt hot. People could see that?

"And second, I have to have a word with Violet about not telling you what was going to happen. You spent 10 whole minutes in that closet. You even thought that man could hear you."

Well, come to think of it, Violet looked like she was in a pretty big rush. "I think she just wanted to finish her assignment," I suggested.

"Yeah, well, she's not close. Not even one clue about her problem," Ms. John said as she banged her hand on the desk.

"Um, well, I'll try to remember next time! Violet is waiting for me," I politely excused myself.

Violet was waiting just outside of HS. "So, what was she telling you about?"

"Oh, just that there's a camera in my watch."

"Yeah, I didn't know that my first time either. Anyway, come on. Alice wants me to study with her."

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