Chapter 7

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With our parents approval we continue to spend our time together and announced our relationship  to the public. Seeing as my parents are the main Alphas and his parents are next in line to rule we had to have a huge gathering  with all the vampires and werewolves  to "present" ourselves  as mates!

Let me tell you this was not only strange and dangerous but I hate being the center of attention !

The night of the reveal:

The hall was decorated  with candles and the branches of weeping  willows dangled from the ceiling they were so fresh they were still adorned  with white and pink blossoms. The combination  of candlelight  and the branches gave the illusion  of a forest indoors while maintaining  great elegance and casting a slight pink glow all around. It was so beautiful I almost wished that damien and I could just have the room to ourselves. 

A few hours passed and it was finally  time. Damien wore a fitted black suit that hugged his body perfectly. We stepped out as our parents gladly announced our pending  nuptuals  there was a mixed  reaction  from the crowd. Some cheered happily  and others made noises of disgust  while shouting hateful remarks at both of us.

We were rushed out of the building as those opposed  began to storm the stage. In the confusion  and mixture of panicked people fleeing  the hall I lost damien!  I could feel panicked sitting in , but it wasn't mine ... I have never felt his emotions  before . In an instant I was pushed outside I heard damien's rushing thoughts "** how could I lose her? I lost her and now i have to fight these ass holes!......** "Fuck!?! There are too many! I'm  so sorry baby ...if you can hear me know I love you no matter what! I will live and i will fight until i am by your side again!"** then I heard nothing!I felt nothing!

My mind filled with every possible conclusion  and of course  as usual was drawn to the worst possible one.
He must be dead!!

I was overcome with so many emotions that I blacked out.

-the next morning-
I woke with a start still in my evening  gown. I jumped up and looked around .. "where the hell am i?""I have to get out of here now!"
Without a second thought I threw a chair and leapt out of the window directly  behind it. As I hit the ground I tucked my body and rolled up to my feet in a crouching  position.  I  ripped all the long material  from dress and left it behind with my heels I needed to be able to run as fast as possible. 

As I took off running I began to hear footsteps  in the leaves they were running and closing g in me fast!
Next thing I knew I was being tackled to the ground by a vampire.....I panicked and began fighting with everything  I had....unfortunately  I was to weak since i wasn't in my wolf form ... i have never shifted unless it was a full moon even though we were able to. It was so painful to shift that I did it as little as possible.

I was knocked unconscious  the last thing I remember  was feeling the wramth of blood on my face and the rush of pain like an explosion coursing through my head!

I woke hearing familiar  voices.... It was my parents and damien's!
"Where is damien?how did i get here? Where the hell is here ?" I demanded.
My mother took a seat cautiously  by my side "we are at a safe house that damien's parents had bought after we planned your wedding. It was meant to be a gift for the two of you. Your first home with enough land to build an entire community!we belive that once the two of you mate there will be more mate bonds between the wolves and vampires!"

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