Chapter 11: Recovery (short chaper)

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After the battle vampire and wolf alike gathered the dead to ensure proper burial and those who were severely wounded were take to our homes medical facilities to receive treatment. 

As we mourned we began to plan for our wedding. We allowed everyone their time to grieve properly  as we prepared  not only to graduate and marry but to begin our future reign  together. Damien and I spent the next month planning , studying every aspect of our soon to come duties. We built homes all over our land but kept much on the forest intact so we would be sheltered  as well as have plenty of space for new people and for future generations to add what they wanted or needed. We built a huge hospital and employed the best supernatural  medical staff so we could maintain our secrets!

We gathered all of our people  and revealed the town to them with a party fit for royalty we celebrated  and signed new laws into place.
This was the beginning  of something  great!

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