Chapter 24

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Thank you so much for the feedback on my question. Most people seem to be more or less fine with the current pace (and things will pick up a bit from here anyway). So in general I'm gonna stick to the plan I have, just (thanks to @browhal1 and Jeleego for some really helpful suggestions!) move a few minor plot points around.

Shoutout to mada3fangirl who gave me the idea for the twins' costumes and TheRosalie who has correctly guessed Abby's outfit.

Chapter 24 (Jay)

Three years ago, Cliff Gordon's villa

With my heart in my mouth, I insert the large rusty key into the keyhole, unlocking the gate to my birthfather's estate. I take a deep breath before I step through.

A small cobblestone path leads through a peaceful pine forest and to the mansion which is located on top of a small elevation.

With ease, I climb up the path. In front of the door I take out the letter my late father's solicitor has given to me with the key. I enter the five digit code – 52766 – that is scribbled onto the envelope and step inside.

I find myself in a bright spacious hall, tastefully decorated with traditional and modern pieces of Ninjagian art. In front of me, two staircases, one along either wall, lead up to the upper level, but I decide to first investigate the ground floor.

I take the door to my left which leads me into the living and dining area, where a giant Fritz Donnegan animatronic figure greets me with the space hero's catchphrase.

My father must have been rather obsessed with himself, for when I look around, I can only see pictures of him in his various roles as well as an impressive collection of awards.

But when I accidentally tilt a golden statue, one of the life-sized paintings slides away, revealing a secret room behind it. Inside the dimly lit room, my gaze falls onto an array of costumes which I immediately recognise from some of Cliff Gordon's most popular movies.

As I turn to my right, I find myself standing in front of a very professional make-up table. Naturally curious, I take a closer look at the photos which have been stuck to the mirror.

None of these pictures have been professionally taken, and they show a rather different, more personal, side of Cliff Gordon compared to the ones outside.

Some of the photos looks rather old, and many of them show a young and very happy looking Cliff Gordon together with a beautiful blonde woman. One one of the photos, they are both proudly smiling at the camera. Cliff's arm is protectively wrapped around the woman's waist while she is holding a small bundle in her arms... wait, is that me?

Even since I've found I that I was adopted, I've been wondering if my birth parents have ever cared about me. And I get my answer when I turn around and find myself looking at a wall displaying pictures and newspaper clippings of – again, me.

And not only that. He even has my old ZX gi displayed in front of it.

The suit is not just a cheap copy, I notice immediately.

I step closer, taking in all those little details that I fondly remember – the ZX was my favourite suit, both for its style and the memories associated with it – and feeling the ultra light yet strong material.

It must be one of those licensed high quality replicas. Or it might even be...

Whenever we'd got new outfits, we used to donate the old ones to be auctioned off for charity, so it theoretically could be the real thing... well, only one way to find out.

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