Chapter 32

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Aaand here's another update! Pretty much everyone seemed rather mad at Ray after the last chapter, so I didn't want to make you wait too long for the next part.

At just about 2K, it is a wee bit shorter than average, to wrap up this little subplot.

And yes, it's in Nya POV again, but I promise that the next chapter will have a different one (it will even be a 'new' one that we haven't seen in this book before!) 😊.


Chapter 32 (Nya)

Five and a half years ago, Ninjago City Hospital

"Congratulations, Nya." The midwife smiles at me as she places the relaxed infant onto my stomach and covers her with a soft towel. "She is very healthy – and very beautiful if I may say so. I'll give you some time now, to get acquainted with each other, but if you need any help, you can just call me."

Directing my gaze towards my new daughter – my daughter! – I feel an immense rush of love for this absolutely perfect (although objectively she looks rather squashed and wrinkly right now) tiny person.

Despite being utterly exhausted, sore and in desperate need of a shower, I don't think I have ever felt happier in my life. I just wish that Jay was here with us...

But he isn't here. And I'm not going to let his absence ruin this moment for me, so I'll rather focus on the person who is – who has always been there for me.

"Thank you, Kai." I turn my head to smile at my brother who has taken a few steps to the back back and is quietly watching us from a little distance. "For supporting me through this whole ordeal. And-" I blush. "I'm sorry for screaming and shouting at you."

"You're welcome, sis." He returns the smile as carefully walks back towards us. "And don't worry. I'm a Ninja, I can take a lot more than those few little insults. Also, I know you didn't really mean it; you've made it quite clear that your anger wasn't actually directed at me."

That's true, I remember frequently yelling at the (absent) 'bastard who did this to me'.

"Still, I can't imagine having to go through all this with me was the most pleasant experience for you. It surely must have set your own plans back a few years." I wink at him.

"I don't think that's much of a problem." My brother sighs. "The only woman I could ever see myself having a family with has made it painfully clear that she isn't interested at all."

"C'mon, that's not true." I protest. "I'm absolutely sure that Skylor does like you. She just has to first put her own life in order before even considering a relationship with someone else." I look at him. "I know that patience isn't one of your strengths, but if you really want to be with her, you'll have to give her more time. And don't give up, okay?"

"I won't." He promises.

"Good." I say. "Now, come and admire your new niece."

"No problem with that. She is beautiful, just like her mother." He places a kiss on my damp hair. "I'm proud of you, little sis. Does she have a name?" He then enquires.

"She-she does." I reply. I haven't told anyone, but I've known her name since the moment that I found out I was having a girl. "Kai, meet Abigail Jayne Smith." I formally introduce them. "Abby, this is your uncle Kai."

"Hey Abby." Kai gently strokes her face with his finger. "Welcome to the family. You're gonna have a lot of aunts and uncles, but I'm gonna be your favourite, okay?"

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