Chapter 37

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Surprise - here's finally a new chapter !!!

I apologise (again !) for the long wait ☹️. But I won't bother you will all my reasons and excuses for the delay, I rather promise to update more regularly again now 😉.

And although it has taken me this long, this is a rather short (just over 2K) filler chapter. But it is nonetheless dedicated to two people:

Amy4Walker's birthday was on the 26th of October - which (not so) coincidentally was also the first anniversary of this fanfic 😂.

bear2710, who's birthday was on the 27th of October and who has drawn this ⬆️ amazing picture for this book (and she has even given me the rights so I am allowed to repost it here).

Happy much belated Birthdays 🎂 my dear friends !!!


Chapter 37 (Jay)

One year ago, 23rd December 2017, Cliff Gordon's mansion

I point at the blue door at the end of the corridor. "That room is mine." I inform Katherine who has rather hesitantly followed me up to the first floor of my home. "My parents use that one whenever they visit me here. And that one on the left used to be Cliff Gordon's master bedroom." I've never felt like touching – and definitely not removing – my father's very personal items, so I simply keep it as it was. "But all the other rooms are free. Your choice."

Mrs Miller, the elderly housekeeper, insists on always having some of the guest rooms ready, just like she used to do for my birth father. I'm pretty sure though that he had a lot more need for them than I do; so far, my parents have been my only guests here, at least those to stay overnight.

And even though she's been here for dinner a few times – and in summer, I had her and a few more of my colleagues over for a barbecue – not even Katherine knows all the secrets of this place.

"Too much choice." Kath flashes me an apologetic smile. I know that she would much rather be in her small room at her parents' house right now.

Not being able to celebrate Christmas with her family came as such a huge disappointment to my friend – something she really didn't need, especially after all she's been through over the last day and a half – but there was no way that the doctor would declare her fit to fly home.

After all, Katherine is suffering from a mild concussion, two cracked ribs and a sprained wrist, in addition to a couple of bruises and a nasty cut at her left temple (which is most likely to leave a scar).

At least we were able to get her discharged from the hospital. And as I vehemently refuse to let my honorary little sister go back to her (ex-)boyfriend or even be on her own for the holidays, here we are now.

I've already talked to my parents and explained the situation – and they unsurprisingly were very understanding. My mum and dad are going to drive over later today, so we will all spend Christmas here together this year instead of at the junkyard.

"Why don't you take the room next to my parents'?" I suggest. They don't snore – at least I've never heard them when I stay with them in the old trailer – and it might make her feel safer.

"Sure." She shrugs.

"The rooms all look more or less the same inside. Kinda impersonal, I'm afraid." I apologise as I open the door for her. "I've just never had the need to change anything." Or the motivation. I add in my thoughts.

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