3: You Snoop, You Get Constipated

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Tony PoV

It's been a few hours since Steve gave me a few words. I sigh and take a breath before I open the kid's door. He stops his pacing.

"So..." I look at him.

"So. You don't look pissed. Come across some revelation?" Percy says.

"Steve brought some things to my attention." I admit.

"Looks like he's the one who keeps you in line." Percy observes. "So what's my sentence?"

"Your sentence?" I ask. 'Sentence' is kind of guilty framing...

"Yeah. Am I gonna be Rapunzel up here, oh Mother Gothel?" Percy asks me.

He just compared himself to Rapunzel and me to Mother Gothel. Oh boy, what am I in for?

"I apologize for what I said earlier. It was... Uncalled for." I say. It was hard enough to actually admit I was wrong. Even worse, the kid is going to reject it and-

"Apology accepted."


"So, are you gonna let me go back to camp or am I stuck here?"

"I can't let you leave. Let me explain before you get too mad." I start. "SHIELD is a government subdivision group thing. Anyway, if they find you, well, they think you are a terrorist if that gives you any idea of the welcome you'll get."

"That's problematic." Percy says helpfully.

"Uh, yeah. So your best changes are with me and Steve. We can't keep you away from SHIELD if you leave."

"They wouldn't be able to find me at camp." Percy says quietly.

"You really want to get to that camp of yours." I notice.

"Someone very important to me is there." Percy says.

"Ooh, someone got a girlfriend?" I tease.

"Can I go to camp or not?"

"I just told you. That's a really bad idea. So no." I tell him.

He groans and falls backwards onto his bed. Then, as if he gets an idea, he sits up quickly. "Can I have a call?"

I sigh. "As long as I can listen."

He raises his eyebrows.

"I still have to figure you out. Not gonna give a suspected terrorist a private call."

He nods, accepting my terms.

Percy PoV

Haha! I was actually kind of smart for once! I have to use a normal call because if I Iris Messaged the camp, and I didn't have a phone, it would raise questions I don't want to answer.

"Okay, so what's the number?" Tony asks me.

"Um, I actually don't know. Search for Delphi Strawberries." I tell him.

He gives me an odd look. "Okay. Long Island?"

"Yep, that's the one." I take the phone from him.

"Hello?" Chiron answers.

"Mr. Brunner!" I say with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Percy?" Chiron asks.


"Why are you calling me?"

"Okay- I'm gonna say it really quick, so follow along." I tell him.

"Oh Percy." I can hear the sigh in his voice.

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