12: All Of Us

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A few days ago Annabeth came to me. While we were sparring, she asked me for a favor.

Percy's birthday was coming up and she wanted to do something for him. So I helped her.

Now, today is his birthday.

I may have wrangled the others into helping too.

Percy was pleasantly surprised. We play board games, tease him. Watch some Tv, which somehow doesn't quite attract the monsters. Maybe becuase he isn't in contact with the electronics?

Someone (Read as probably Tony)  spikes Percy's soda. By the time I realize this, Percy is on his third glass. To be clear, this is his third of the day.

"Tony." I reprimand as he hands it to Percy. Unfortunately Percy downs the glass and rushes back to Just Dance.

I don't know who convinced the kids to use the electronic, but they seem to be having fun. Percy is surprisingly good at it, and also at making an idiot of himself. 

"Please refrain from giving the teenagers alcohol," I announce to the group.

"Um, okay." Clint says, not taking his eyes off the game.

"Wait, did someone give them alcohol?" Steve asks.

"Someone spiked Percy's soda." I say.

"Huh?" Percy says.

"Your drink got spiked." I tell him.

"With what?" He asks.


"Oh. I thought it tasted a little funny."

"That's all you have to say?" Clint asks.

"Well, it's not bothering me now, so as long as it doesn't become a problem, you get the idea."

Later, Percy is absolutely thrilled by the blue cake. We all eat way too much, and retire to bed.


So, super cool and absolutely crazy idea that I belive: The Greek and Roman gods are real, and Apollo is likely my great-grandfather.

I can't really explain how this makes me feel. I wanna smile, but I know it also means trouble. But, it hasn't been a problem yet.

"Clint, Fury's coming in half an hour." Steve tells me.


Half an hour later, we're all in the conference room and surprisingly Tony is only two minutes late.

"Alright. Now that you are all here, let's begin. I've got a bunch of wanteds  that should be here in the city. I want you all to keep an eye out for all of them." Fury says. "However, there are a few that I want in custody ASAP. Those will be the files with a little red sticker. Simple enough?"

We all nod.

"ALright. First up-" Fury begins. It's a twenty seven year old.

A couple later and I notice that we have the rottenest luck.

"And this one's a bit unique. Perseus Jackson." Fury starts talking about some of the acts of terrorism when he notices that apparently we all suck at hiding our panic.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" Fury's gruff voice addresses us.

Steve is the first to collect himself enough to give an acceptable answer. "He's just a kid, Sir."

"I don't particularly care if he's 'just a kid' if he's a terrorist." Fury turn back to the file. "Now, you can find him with..." He trails off.

He looks at Tony, fixing him with a death glare. "What the fuck is this?"

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