43: I Make A Friend(?) I Don't Even Know

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I'm giving up on her? What? No... Am I? Really? I... I am. Thalia's right. I'll have to talk to her. But I have no idea what to say. I feel so helpless.

And Tartarus. "Thalia, what was that last bit? Are you staying around?"

"Yeah. Phoebe is taking up Lieutenant duties until I return. But don't think I'm letting go-" Thalia scowls at me.

"I'm not." I interrupt. "I promise."

After giving me a calculating glare, she drops it. "Let's go back."

"I'll take you there, but then I think I'll hang out here." I tell her as I look over the water.

"Well, I ain't leaving you alone. So..." She says. I turn to see her giving me an expectant look.

"What?" I ask.

"When I said I wanted to have fun, I meant it." 


"Spar with me." 


"Percy. Please?" She's bouncing where she stands. ADHD immortal energy for ya.

"My clothes will get ruined." In a match between us, there is no hope for the poor clothes. Soaked, zapped, and torn to shreds.

She huffs. "Then what else could we do?"

Lightbulb. "Thals...?"

"Yeah?" She looks at me questioningly.

"I could help you."

"With what?"

"Flying." I hope she doesn't decide to fight me for making that suggestion.

"You wanna say that again, Kelpy?" She growls.

"Wait wait wait! Hear me out!" I plead.

"You've got seconds. I don't know how many, that depends on what you say." 

"I just... Uh... fuck... Can I show you something?" I did not think this through. I definitely did not think this through.

"What is it?" She narrows her eyes. Godsdam! Why is everyone narrowing their eyes at me? I'm not that freaking suspicious, am I?

"Uh, just, come here." I say, and walk to the edge of the water.

"You know it's not a good idea for me to go over there, right?" She grumbles.

"You're with me. Nothing bad will happen." I assure her.

"Fine." She huffs. Standing beside me, she looks at the tide with a glare. "What are we doing?"

"Floating." I say. I get a 'oh bullshit' look. "We're going to walk on water."

It takes a lot of promises to convince her that nothing bad will happen. I think my arm might be bruised from how tightly she was gripping on it. See, I think besides the falling aspect, she doesn't like not having stable ground, or something to support her weight. I figured that water would be like a halfway point, so that she could get kind of used to it.

"Okay, I'm done." At that, I immediately vapour travel us to the sand. "Oh, I might puke."

"Yeah, that's why the eyes get closed." I chuckle lightly.

"But you don't close your eyes, do you?" Thalia asks.

"Nope. I got used to it." I tell her. "Dad made me practice a lot. And in combat. Can't have your eyes closed when you're getting attacked."

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