47: Some Things Are Better Withheld

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Thalia launches over the table and snatches Annabeth's hand. She inspects the ring for a long second, and then lets go and hugs me. A tight, bone crushing hug. She whispers, "Good job." before releasing me. And then, grinning, she kidnaps Annabeth.

Natasha stands, and gives me a hug. Not an assassin's 'haha, you think I like you' hug before they snap your neck, but a real hug. And then she steps back, and ruffles my hair. "Udachi." That sounds familiar... Russian, right, Natasha speaks Russian. I think it means something good. Well, at least, I hope.

"Dude! Did you just... Woah!" Leo blurts. "Oh my gods you're gonna get married!"

"Yeah, that's kinda the idea," I say stupidly.

I get a bunch of hugs,and my hair gets thoroughly ruffled by almost everyone.

"Prissy. How's this gonna work if you're... you know?" Clarisse gestured at me.

Everyone looks at me expectantly. "Well, gods can't take mortal spouses." I say slowly.

"So, that means?" Clint frowns.

Uncle T answers for me. "Annabeth's gonna become immortal."

Their eyes snap to Uncle T, and then back to me, questioningly. I scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah."

It's silent for a few seconds, before somebody breathes, "Wow." 

"You must be pretty special if she's willing to live with you forever." Clint says in a joking tone. Natasha smacks the back of his head. He gives her a slightly insulted look. "What was that for?"

"You were being stupid."

"No I wasn't."

"Are you going to argue with me?" She raised an eyebrow.


"Maybe you do have some intelligence after all." Natasha commented lightly.

"Hey!" Clint complained. The rest of us laughed a little.

Then there's a bit of silence. Clarisse's the one who breaks it. "I think this'll be Camp's first wedding in nearly thirty years."

Leo's head tilts so much that his ear nearly hits his shoulder. "How would you know that?"

Clarisse gains a bittersweet smile. "Selena. Always wanted to see a wedding." 

I close my eyes and nod, taking a deep breath. I think I know my first favor to ask as a god. When I open them again, I see Leo's arm slung over Calypso's shoulder. And that's another thing to bring up. 

Speaking of things to bring up, I really need to talk to Mom. Like, holy shit. I just hope I don't give her a heart attack or something. I've been a really horrible son as of late. 

Uncle T reaches up to ruffle my hair. "So, how'd you do it?" Natasha smacks the back of his head too. "Hey, what was that for?"

"I just went over this with Clint." 

"...So I was being stupid?"

"I'm gonna let you answer that." Natasha responded.

"Hey guys?" I interrupt.

"Yeah?" Uncle T asks me.

"Um, I kinda need to talk to my Mom. Can you tell me where she's at?" I inquire.

"Oh! JARVIS, did you catch that?" He looks to the wall expectantly.

"Yes, Sir. Mrs. Jackson-Blofis returned to the state earlier this morning. She is currently at her residence." JARVIS announced.

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