Like In Films

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A/N: just a little diddle to get me asleep faster. Warning: this isn't a serious fic, it's to make me laugh and that's it. sorry.

Mitch bopped and grinded along to the Beyoncé song, Partition, as he tried to find his underwear. He and Scott were filming in half an hour, so he needed to get out of his sweats, take a shower, and change. He was almost done, grabbing his tight burgundy boxer briefs and grinding I the chorus of Partition when Scott walked in.

"Hey Maryland, can I borrow your-" Scott walked into Mitch's room without knocking, stopped his sentence short, and stated at his basically naked friend.
Mitch was okay with his body since he had been working out and eating right. he was proud of it, and didn't feel embarrassed when his friend walked in on him dancing in his underwear. Scott was his friend, after all. he continued to grind and flick his hips in different directions to Partition.

"Hey Sssouth Carolina, whaddya want?" Mitch laughed, bending down I've a pile of pants and shorts and fiddling through them, occasionally standing up right to inspect a pair, but then bending down again to find another.
Scott remained speechless, just staring at Mitch. Scott had never particularly been attracted to Mitch, until now. he had no idea what to do with this new found lust.
When Scott didn't respond, Mitch began to speak out loud, to no one in particular, occasionally singing along to the sexual song.

"Driver roll up the partition please... wait this is the dirty pile. ffuck! Take all... of me" Mitch sang as he spoke to himself, finally standing upright to face Scott.

"So... did you want something or did you come to watch me get changed?" Mitch joked, giggling.

Scott couldn't take it anymore, he took two long step forward, slammed Mitch against the wall and kissed him with all he had, his hands travelling down to his ass and hips. The kiss lasted maybe .02 seconds until Mitch pushed Scott so hard the blonde ended up on the other side of the room, drool on his lip and panting like a dog. Mitch's eyes were wide, frantic, and angry, which made Scott scared for his life.

"What... the FUCK!? ... Was that?!" Mitch yelled, his voice getting louder with each word. Mitch was panting, but it was because of anger, not lust. unlike Scott. When Scott said nothing but stare at Mitch's torso, the brunette continued.

"You can't just kiss people because you want to! That's sexual harassment, you idiot! What, did you think I was secretly in love with you and I'd just melt in your arms? Fuck, Scott. This isn't a movie, you can't just kiss someone with no permission or even warning! What were you thinking?!" Mitch's breathing was very heavy at that point from yelling and waving his hands around at Scott. Scott waited to respond.

"You're hot. Sorry" he shrugged. Mitch face palmed, laughing. Scott started laughing too. they were best friends, they couldn't be mad at each other. once they stopped laughing, an awkward silence grew.

"...So you're saying you're not attracted to me... sexually... at all?" Scott said in a hushed tone, bewildered. Scott and Mitch stared at each other for a moment.

Finally, Mitch shrugged and stepped forward to wrap his hands around Scott's neck, kissing his lips roughly.

"Fuck it" Mitch mumbled against Scott's lips, causing the blonde to smirk.

A/N: I'll be honest, this wasn't for you guys at all lol. this was just a little gem to humour me. yes, it's comedy more than anything to me. it's not meant to be a serious fic!

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