Gotta move

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It was daytime with a mix of orange when I woke up, I usually don't wake up this early but my back of course was hurting. I walked to the half build bathroom to hold onto the sink and making positions to try to at least fix the back pain a little. I realized that Ive been pregnant for at least 38 weeks. Feels like its been a year through pain and agony.. it's all gonna end by me dying trying to go through it. I heard a knock on the door, "Winter you in here, Hun?" I heard Bonnie say, I hummed as a response. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked, I don't say anything as a ' Of course not' response. "Do I bring Nick here?" She asked ".. Yes." I mumbled. Few moments later, "Winter, it's me.. open up." Nick said. I opened the door and he walked in, "What's wrong?" He said. I could still tell he was still really tired, I rubbed my back as a response. "Your backs hurting again." he sighed trying to help, he put his hand on my back. "No! Don't do that." I said raising my voice, "Sorry." he said rubbing his face "So what can I do?" He asked "I don't know, it hurts!" I said. "You should just.. go back to bed. Me, Mike, Luke, and Therese are going to look for supplies." Nick said and left.

Darien's POV

- 30 minutes later.

When we arrived to Carvers it was abandoned, rotted by the dead. "Did they escape?" Faith asked "I'm not sure. Search the place though.. there might be food and keep your guard up." I said. "But this is where your sister was in. She has to still be here right?" Christa asked "Maybe." I said. "Darien.. Do you think that Blossoms..." "No, Ghost... She is not dead." I said. I was searching around the place. I found Carver.. It looked like someone took care of him... "Dar, I didn't find anything. It looks like when this herd came they got all their shit and left in a hurry." Ghost said. "Well, search harder. Maybe look for supplies then." I said.

Winters POV

(after they came back..)

"C'mon we gotta go!" Nick said, as the walkers bursted through the half-build house. "Nick, I can't! I really can't. I'm sorry." I said trying to steady my belly, "No, C'mon! Your not leaving both of your sisters alone!" He forcefully grabbed my hand "Aahng! Stop please!" I begged. "C'mon, you can run. Just ignore the pain, Dammit!" he said.

We split up with the group, Me and Nick were hiding in a small shop. Still there were too many walkers out there, "Nick, what are we gonna do--Nng!" I held my side as I sat on the floor. "I don't have a plan right now." He said "Then do we wait in here, Until they leave?" I asked "I guess. " he said "Dang, I wish this was a pharmacy! I really need pain killers right now." I mumbled, "Well, it's not." He said."You sleep or whatever," he said "What about you, Nick?" I asked "I'll Figure out something." He mumbled.

Theresa's POV

"Guys, what do we do? We gotta find a place." I asked "Shh, Shh, Everything's gonna be alright, Alvie." Clem found Alvie in a damn car! And we found Jane who was killed on the snowy floor, "Winters out there!" Blossom said. "No, We need to find a good place to be in. Then we can- maybe search for Winter." I said, "But Therese.." she argued "Think about yourself sometime, Okay." I said patting her left shoulder as I walked past her. "What about here?" Luke asked pointing to the sign, " The 'Rest Stop'? Luke that's where fuckin' Kenny killed Jane!" I said. "Yeah, But we have no where else so." he said, "But it's freezing in there, Are you sure it would be a good place to put a baby inside?" Clem asked. "Better than being outside." Mike said "Yeah." Bonnie said. We walked in, But to be honest it was cold as outside was. "It's the same Luke!" Clem complained holding Alvie closer. "But it's still somewhere to sleep at night." he said.

"Okay, Winter, get up." I heard Nicks voice, "What?" I said without opening my eyes. "We gotta leave." he said "Why?" I said, "Just hurry!" he angrily said, I got up "Yeah, What is it?" I asked. "C'mon, we gotta go." He said getting my hand, "Why?" I said " 'Cuz they cleared out, we can go now to search."

- Few hours later.

"Nick!" I said falling behind. "What?" he asked slowing down, "Where are we going?" I asked "I'm not sure. Far away from them. ( Walkers )" he said. "But... I can't.. keep moving. My legs. They're swollen!" I said, "It's been hours since we started walking!" I said. "Okay, we can stop for a moment." he said. "Good." I said "I miss my sisters." I said, concerned. "Don't worry." he said, I smiled. "I think I'm close.. I certainly know it's gonna be next week when I have them." I said. "Really?" he said "Yeah, I think so.." I said "Nick, I'm sorry if they turn out to be cubs. It's just my dads side." I said, "It'll... be weird. Just to be honest. But I guess it'll be fine." he said. "They can grow out of the form. Of the wolf form and look completely human when toddlers or kids.. I hope." I said holding my belly, "It's just a few more miles and we'll reach Wellington.. I guess." He said. "Oh, so your actually agreeing to go there? 'Cuz when Kenny brought it up y--" "Yeah, I know. I didn't agree at first. But it's the only safe place and with people, It's the only place to keep you and the cubs safe." he said. "Thank you, Nick." I smiled, "No problem." He smiled.

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