Like A Kick to the Face

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It took only a cursory search for him to find what he was looking for. Her name was Dong Shancai, and her mother ran a small catering business from their home. A quick browse of the menu showed him that the food didn't look half bad either, and also gave him their home phone number. She was 18 years old, and as he scrolled through her QQ page, he realised she had a healthy social life and a seemingly loving family. There were multiple photos of her laughing with her friends or sandwiched between her parents, a beaming smile on her face in every image. It was a stark contrast to his own QQ photos, which were mainly head shots in which he had stoically refused to smile (his mother had forced him to take them, insisting that he needed to have a professional image) or snaps taken from his various trips abroad, all of which had him scowling or smirking in arrogance. I've never seen her smile he realised as he trawled through her recent pictures. Ah Si paused on one depicting her with what could only be her mother, pulling silly faces at the camera. When had he ever that felt carefree with his own mother he wondered? He didn't think his mother had ever even smiled for a photographer, and he was deadly certain that Daoming Feng would rather poke her own eyes out than pull stupid faces for anyone.

He was pulled out of his reverie when Xi Men yanked the phone out of his hand. "What are you looking at with such a stupid expression on your face?" He demanded, flinging his arm out to ward off Ah Si, who had leapt to his feet. "Hey!" He complained, wildly swinging for his phone. His attempt was hampered by Meizuo throwing an arm around his shoulders - of course he would get involved the one time Ah Si was caught stalking a girl's social media! "Dong Shancai?" Xi Men read aloud, rapidly scrolling through her feed, evidently not drawn to any particular photograph. "Never heard of her," Meizuo chimed in; he smirked at Xi Men, clearly enjoying his other friends discomfort. Ah Si was torn between mortification and exasperation at their antics, and he only got more embarrassed when Lei came to investigate the ruckus. "She doesn't look like much," Ximen mused, handing the phone to Lei, who glanced at the screen. His usual wry smile was playing about his lips as he watched Ah Si out the corner of his eye. "Oh, I'm not sure about that" he sighed, "I think she's rather cute actually."

For some reason this remark grated on Ah Si's last nerve; Lei had never shown an interest in any girl other than Jing, so why did he have to suddenly find Dong Shancai appealing? It was disloyal to Jing, he fumed, whilst shrugging off Meizuo's imprisoning arm. "Shut up!" He snapped in Lei's direction, roughly seizing his phone from his friend's lax grasp. Lei laughed knowingly, and it really pissed him off for some reason! "What are you laughing at?" He yelled; he knew he was being juvenile, but Lei's holier than thou, know it all facade really got to him sometimes. His friend merely raised his eyebrows tauntingly at him, and Ah Si was gripped with the sudden urge to kick him in the ankle. Sensing this, Meizuo diffused the situation by asking Ah Si what was next for Dong Shancai. What exactly is my plan? The Daoming heir considered, his annoyance at Lei apparently forgotten. He had always been mercurial, he never stayed annoyed at his friends for long. "You could always try asking her out on a date" Xi Men suggested unhelpfully, and Ah Si felt his face heat up as he spluttered "a date?! Are you crazy? Who would want to date a girl as rude as her?!"

Xi Men rolled his eyes. Daoming Si usually exuded charm, and he was easily able to get even the most difficult business rivals eating out the palm of his hand with some artful persuasion. However, when it came to the opposite sex, the poor guy had no clue! He had never seen Ah Si so much glance at a girl with real interest before -the idiotic fool most likely didn't even realise he was attracted to the feisty Shancai. Xi Men had been so surprised when Ah Si had pulled the girl closer to him the previous day, as he usually actively tried to avoid touching strangers where possible; his immature friend was in way over his head and it was going to be so much fun watching him realise how he felt!

"I must have got it wrong" Xi Men hedged placidly, but Ah Si had gotten sick of their teasing. "I'm telling you, I don't want to date her!" He declared vehemently. And it was true, he didn't! All he wanted was to see the look on Shancai's face when he made a spectacle of her in front of the entire school. Her face would scrunch up adorably and her eyes would fill with ire, and he would feel like he was burning and falling at the same time.... He stopped that thought in it's track, furious once again at his inability to control his own brain. "That girl needs to pay for ruining my coat!" He announced to the room loudly. And he needed to get some fresh air as his face was feeling unnaturally hot. He couldn't seem to shake this damn fever. "I'm out of here!" He strode past F4, who watched him leave with identical looks of amusement. I don't care what they think, all I want is to see Dong Shancai pay for humiliating me! he reassured himself. He had only been looking at her social media to find out her name! After all, he had a joker card to deliver.

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