Green Eyed Monster

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The sky was still pale grey with the light of breaking dawn just peeking over the horizon, however, Ah Si had yet to sleep a single wink. He stood before his wardrobe absentmindedly, his thoughts elsewhere as he picked his outfit for the day. Rest had evaded him the entire night as his brain refused to calm, adrenaline surging through him as his heart raced in anticipation of seeing Shancai the following morning. He hadn't been able to switch off despite his best efforts to relax. F4 had arrived back from Sanya late the night before, and although he should rightfully be weak from exhaustion after such a long drive, the Daoming heir had never been more awake. His heart was filled with joy after his trip and it was as if he had swallowed a live wire; he had kissed the girl of his dreams and he had also gotten his best friend back - everything was coming up roses, and Ah Si was ecstatic! He was on top of the world and he never wanted to come back down! A happy and contented state had fully taken root in his stomach, souvenir of the most delightful holiday he had ever experienced; Sanya would forevermore hold treasured memories for him, memories he would cherish for the rest of his life, he imagined. The handsome young man was walking on air and he couldn't shake it, not that he would want to if he could; he was just a bubble of jubilant emotion and reckless energy, and he found it impossible to sit still. He had been forced to get out of bed when sleep wouldn't come; how could he possibly manage to sleep when Shancai was ever present on his mind, the thought of her persistent, perpetual and exciting?

Ah Si could still smell the salt in the air as he recalled the way she had looked crouched on the beach on that last, cold night. Although he had been humiliated, woefully defeated by Qinghe of all people, with his one pitiful squid safely ensconced in his bucket, he had found his spirits infinitely lifted when he had spotted her, his tiny girl, so small and delicate as she knelt amongst the rocks, her face drawn and forlorn. Her bewitching, impossibly large eyes had been reddened and wet, much to his dismay, and although she had vehemently denied it, Ah Si's sister had raised no fool; he could sense her hurt as keenly as if it were his own and it cut him to the quick.  Nothing about her escaped his sharp eyes; he had been acutely aware that Shancai was aching with unrequited ardour and it had been more than he could bear to witness. He would have done anything to wipe the heartache from her face, moved the moon, captured the stars, whatever it took to make her smile; her sadness had wounded him deeply, especially as it was the result of heartbreak over another man, his best friend no less! How the thought had stung him at that moment as he observed her crumpled form; however, as always, her pain affected him stronger than his own ever could. The lovesick heir had determined that he would make her smile again if it was the last thing he ever did, he would make her forget Lei no matter the cost; he would even be her personal jester if it would erase the pain in her eyes, he didn't care if he looked like a fool. Ah Si didn't want to be selfish when it came to her, she made him want to be a better man, someone who could be worthy of her love. He was surprised by the depth of his affection, how much he wanted this tiny girl for his own, but he was tired of fighting his feelings, it was futile and it only made him miserable when he denied himself of what he truly wanted.

His new found revelation had been fresh in his mind, the only thing he could think of as he gazed at Shancai that night, positively paralysed by the jittery feeling that had welled in his chest. He had never realised that he was capable of juggling so many strong emotions at once, however, the image of her soft smile, amused by his antics as he had tumbled about in the sand with her best friend, was burned into his brain. He had succeeded in his mission, her dejection had been forgotten, if only momentarily, and Ah Si was thrilled; he was positive that he was finally making some progress! Shancai had willingly gifted him with a true smile that night, not one sharpened by sarcasm or edged with venom and his heart flipped in his chest as he remembered it with perfect clarity. The Tiny One was utterly breathtaking when she grinned, her entire face seemed to soften with an inner light, the heat of which made him melt into a boneless puddle at her feet. Ah Si knew that he was being uncharacteristically sentimental, but that was how Shancai affected him; never before had the Daoming heir been so captivated by another person - it seemed that the girl's name now echoed in his every heartbeat.

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