Pushing Buttons

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The dial tone purred tauntingly in his ear as Daoming Si tried for the umpteenth time to reach the ever elusive Dong Shancai. He was getting increasingly worried as the minutes and then eventually hours slowly ticked by without a sign of hide nor hair of the Tiny One. Ah Si had arrived a full half an hour early for their date, eager and determined to impress on this hard earned chance with her. He had primped and preened, a peacock as usual as he dressed in clothes that flattered him but also hopefully didn't advertise the fact that he was bursting at the seams for this date to happen, to be successful. I'll be a perfect gentleman like she deserves, he resolved as he kicked at the stone steps in his impatience. He was antsy as he waited for her to appear, to soothe his soul with her mere presence. Although he knew she wasn't necessarily coming by choice, he chose to focus on the positive. He was going on a date with Dong Shancai, and this time, he would be sure to be on his absolute best behaviour! He couldn't afford to mess this up; after his actions on the rooftop, he was damned privileged that she had even agreed to see him!

He wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to be near him again, especially as she didn't remember his apology, but that outcome didn't even bear thinking about. The thing was, he knew he was overbearing, his eagerness sometimes getting the better of him - he was his own worst enemy and he had almost driven her away with his rash, despicable actions. The Daoming heir knew he needed to be careful to never lose control in that way again. He needed to turn her perception of him on its head; he wasn't the monster she thought he was, but he needed a chance to prove it. That day had been a source of constant pain for him; it killed him that he had inspired such intense fear and hurt in her, he had never meant to allow himself to careen so wildly out of control. However, his actions were like spilled milk, and although it was said he shouldn't cry about it, well, he couldn't actually help but to panic and fret over it. Actions spoke louder than words, and he was terrified of what his actions had spoken that day; was the damage he had done irreversible? He and Shancai couldn't be returned to their former state, so the only option he had now was to fix the mess he had created. He would die trying if he had to!

Anxiety gnawed at his stomach as he once again pulled out his phone, the rain chilling him to the bone as he began to tap out a hasty text message to the wayward girl. She just had to keep him waiting, and fool he was, he would wait for her. He would wait for her forever if that was what it took! However, his fingers were numb as he attempted to spell out a message for her, reminding her of their meeting place and asking hesitantly if she wasn't coming after all. He was so cold, the phone almost slipped from his grasp, and the whole endeavour turned out to be pointless anyway; the screen blinked and died before he could hit send, the cherry on top of what was already turning out to be a terrible day. How much longer should he wait? If she truly wasn't coming, then this was a colossal waste of his time, however, what if something had happened to her and she was just running late?

He hated the idea of her turning up and thinking he had stood her up. No doubt that would completely sever the connection between them that was hanging by such a thin shred. No, it was wiser for him to wait - he just had to believe that she would turn up eventually. From what he saw of her interactions with others, Shancai was largely kind and considerate, except to him of course. It's your own fault he chastised himself internally as he crossed his arms across his frigid chest. Surely she wouldn't leave him standing in the rain all day, she was a bleeding heart, he didn't think she would leave even her worst enemy to suffer for too long. It killed him that he fell into that category: nemesis. He had only himself to blame, and as such, he would wait out this punishment until she deemed him worthy of redemption. His resolve strengthened as he bobbed on the balls of his feet, chafing his arms rapidly in an attempt to stave off the cold. His head was pounding, no doubt because of the icy rain, but he had to tolerate it. It's worth it, he reminded himself reassuringly, just a little while longer. She'll be here. Shancai will come.

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